Beginner’s Ultimate Guide to Pay Per Click (PPC)


Whether you’ve heard a little about Pay Per Click Marketing and are curious to learn more, or you already know that you want to use PPC to market your business further, you’ve come to the right place!

Now before we get started on how to use it for digital marketing, let’s start from basics for a better understanding.

What is Pay Per Click (PPC)?

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an online advertising model in which an advertiser pays a publisher, every time an advertisement link is ‘clicked’ on. PPC is also known as Cost-Per-Click (CPC). 

The pay-per-click model is offered primarily by search engines like Google and Social Media networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The most popular platforms for PPC advertisements are Google Ads, Twitter Ads and Facebook Ads

Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC. It allows advertisers to bid for Ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links when someone explores a keyword that is related to their brand or product. 

Keywords are the foundation for PPC.Without a solid understanding of what keywords are and how to use them effectively, you’ll never be able to apply PPC successfully.

In order for Ads to appear with the results on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP), advertisers are willing to pay more to ensure that their ads appear more prominent than a competitor’s ads. 

How do these Ads get placed on a particular website? It is done through the method of Ad Auctions.

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What is an Ad Auction?

Ads are subjected to what is known as the Ad Auction. It is an automated process that Google and other major search engines use to determine the relevance and validity of advertisements that appear on their SERPs.

PPC as a marketing channel covers a number of different ad platforms, with the most common of these being Google Ads and Bing Ads. 

Within each platform, there are different Ad formats, like:

  • Shopping Ads
  • Display Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Gmail Ads
  • Search Ads

Most businesses start their PPC marketing on Google Ads, for the simple reason that it gives access to the largest audience of potential clients and customers. Google also provides a number of different ways to set up and run campaigns depending on your goals.

Since, we’re counting the benefits of using a certain search engine. Let’s dive into the benefits of PPC.

What are the benefits of using PPC?

PPC has numerous benefits for a business. Some of them are:

  • Optimised PPC is cost effective
  • When someone searches for a related term, the ad will get displayed on the first page of results
  • It increases brand visibility 
  • It provides instant traffic
  • Multiple ad campaigns can be run for each keyword
  • It results in higher click-through rates (CTR), more conversions and most importantly increased sales revenue

These benefits of using PPC can only be fruitful when there is proper implementation of content over the website. The most important part of that is the proper use of keywords. Without it, it’s difficult to get an Ad placed over your website.

How can you Optimise Pay-Per-Click Ads?

Pay-per-click marketing can be a very cost-effective way to drive traffic to grow a business, but it takes some time and effort to do it right. 

A number of factors can affect your PPC costs, like:

  1. Relevance of the keywords: Check if the keywords you choose to bid on are best search terms for your target audience and useful in finding solutions to their problem.
  2. Quality of your ads and landing pages: Google provides the best ad placements and the lowest costs to businesses that provide a good consumer experience. Your click-through rate (CTR), is a good indication of whether or not your ad is resonating with people.
  3. Solid account structure: Your PPC account is like a house. Everything needs to be built on a strong foundation. The position of an advertisement on the results page is determined by the Ad Rank, which can be defined in simple terms like:

Ad Rank = Quality Score x Max CPC

Google’s actual formula is a little more complex, but to gain a general understanding, this is a great way to look at it.

As you must have read above, Google and Bing are the most common platforms for Ads, but they aren’t the only ad networks that you should consider to drive growth through PPC. Some other platforms are:

  • AdRoll
  • Facebook Ads
  • AdBlade
  • Amazon Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • AdRecover

If you are looking to expand on popular platforms, then you should consider these options.

In conclusion, PPC advertising is a great marketing option for every business. It’s a simple yet powerful Digital Marketing technique to promote your products/services, drive traffic to your website and increase your sales.

We hope you found this article informative. If you want to dive deeper into the subject and master Digital Marketing, visit here.

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