In talks with Yamini from Qubit AI Technologies I Accredian Spotlight

In this Accredian Spotlight interview, we feature Yamini Penmetsa who is an Intern Qubit AI Technologies. Her insatiable passion for knowledge and upskilling led her to enroll in the Global Certificate for Data Science program at Accredian.

Question 1: Which program & batch are you a part of at Accredian & tell us more about your current work profile?

Yamini: I am part of the Global Certification in Data science (GCD) program, July 2021 batch. I am working as a Project Intern at Qubit AI Technologies.

Question 2: What got you interested in Data Science & Machine Learning? 

Yamini: By November 2020, I had completed my graduation in B.Sc. (Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science). I came across the term Machine Learning and found it very fascinating. 

I was amused by the ability of Machine learning algorithms and how it was able to predict the accurate results irrespective of different domains. They are like the Neural networks which mimic the human brain and its functionality. 

Even though it sounds complex, I believe Deep Learning, Neural network can solve many problems and help us to grow one step ahead in the Data Science field.

Question 3: What tools and packages in Data Science & Machine Learning have you mastered at Accredian so far?

Yamini: I mastered the basic packages in Machine Learning such as NumPy, pandas, missing no and visualization library packages related to pre-processing techniques and algorithms in scikit learn and

Question 4: What challenges did you face when you started your Data Science journey and how did you overcome it?

Yamini: I am from a non-coding background. Python, NumPy and Pandas are prerequisites to understand machine learning. Learning them was really challenging and I struggled for a few months. 

But I figured out that understanding concepts and revision are really important. So, I started making notes and gradually improved myself. 

Question 5: What is the goal of Data Science?

Yamini: The main purpose of Data Science is to easily analyse and find patterns in the big data, to solve huge problems faced in different industries with more accurate results better than humans.

Question 6: How has Data Science evolved in the last few years?

Yamini: I can say, this field is increasing exponentially every year. New studies with research papers are being developed. User friendly chatbots are used by companies to solve queries. 

Many industries are now concentrating on AI ML in their companies for effective performance. Recently, we have seen the introduction of Metaverse by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. 

It is developed based on AI ML such as powering spatial computing, providing scaffolding to creators, and supplying new and sophisticated forms of storytelling.

Question 7: Which Data Science blogs do you follow?

Yamini: I really like reading articles posted in MIT news. The articles are based on the recent developments and research done by PhD students in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in different domains.

I also spend good amount of time in reading posts from towardsdatascience, Medium and Machine learning mastery blog.

Hope you enjoyed reading this interview. If you want to read more such interesting student stories, check out Accredian Spotlight.

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