In talks with Supriya Bisht I Accredian Spotlight

Supriya Bisht has been an ace technical writer and language translator for over a decade now. And her trysts with data while creating target oriented content, piqued her interest towards data science. Curious and intrigued, she understood that no matter the industry or profession, data, AI and ML are integral parts of existence right now. Wanting to know about Data Science and its concepts more, she looked for the best data science course in Delhi NCR and enrolled for the Global Certificate in Data Science (GCDAI) program at Accredian.      

In this interview, let’s take a look at how she plans to implement her data science lessons at work and how has her learning experience been at Accredian

Question 1: Which program & batch are you part of at Accredian & tell us more about your current work profile?

Supriya: I am part of the Global Certificate in Data Science & AI (GCDAI) program, October 2019 batch. My current work profile includes Technical Documentation for IT and Software Companies.  

Question 2: Walk us through your career journey & what got you interested in Data Science & Machine Learning?

Supriya: I have started my career as a Software Trainee in 2003 after completing my MCA. While doing my first assignment, which involved the development of an Administration and Logistic Management System, I realized that I have a strong inclination towards software analysis, design and documentation. 

I have been working as a Technical Writer for the past 17 years. My Technical Writing experience is a combination of regular, contractual, and freelance assignments. Throughout my career, I explored my passion and urge for continuous learning and growth. 

This desire to learn and acquire knowledge, inspired me to learn Japanese language during my 1.5 year stay in Tokyo, Japan. I have also worked as a Bilingual Technical Writer in some assignments and did some Japanese to English translations as well. 

Both in Tech Writing and Language Translation, the main focus was on creating user-centric and target-oriented documents by filtering relevant information from sometimes humongous and sometimes minimal information (data). 

Being surrounded by data everywhere and witnessing the continuous development in ML and AI technologies, I felt a strong pull towards exploring these fields and their role in the development of our society and looked up the best data science course in Delhi NCR. 

Today ML and AI are almost everywhere, even in documentation and linguistics (NLP). So, I was interested to know more and hoping to enhance my Technical Writing and Linguistic skills, I stepped into the world of Data Science, ML and AI through Accredian’s data science course in Delhi NCR.   

Question 3: What all tools and packages in Data Science & Machine Learning have you mastered in your Data Science & AI program at Accredian so far?

Supriya: I learnt Jupyter Notebooks, R, Python, and Tableau.

Question 4: What were some of the initial challenges when you got started on your Data Science journey and how did you overcome it?

Supriya: While opting for Accredian’s data science course in Delhi NCR, the most significant challenge was and still is taking out time to study. It is really difficult for a working professional and a home-maker to be consistent in following the new addition to their daily schedule. 

Moreover, I was completely new to the field of Data Science and even coding was something I did more than a decade ago. So, it was a daily fight and I used to feel like a champ on a day when I could get even half-an-hour of time to study. 

To overcome this challenge, I tried to be regular in my weekend sessions at least. If somehow, I missed any of the sessions, I tried listening to the class recordings before the next class. 

These sessions including the refresher sessions and industry talks proved very helpful insights and provided me with the confidence to keep on going. I know that I have just started this journey and there are miles to go, but I feel that by being consistent and taking one step daily, I will reach my desired destination.

Question 5: Who is your favorite faculty at Accredian and what did you learn from him the Most?

Supriya: Accredian data science course in Delhi NCR is offered by the most dedicated, experienced, resourceful and helpful faculties. Some of my favorite faculties are Suchit, Deepesh, Manav, and Abhinav.

Suchit is phenomenal and doing a great job as a faculty. The way he offers simple explanations for big concepts makes his lectures interesting. His lectures are so intriguing and captivating that we frequently lose the sense of time as well. And, I am sure he has never been able to complete the two-hour lecture in less than three hours.

Deepesh is another exceptional faculty from Accredian. He always ensures that you are able to understand the concepts he is teaching in the class. The effort from his side as a faculty is 100%. He brings new illustrations, methods and activities in class to make the learning more intuitive and interesting. It was my pleasure to be a part of his sessions.

I have attended the Datastar, Podcasts, and other sessions offered by Manvender. And, believe me it was very helpful. It is quite evident that he does great research before his sessions. They are to-the-point and short and the idea behind these sessions is always clear and detail-oriented. So, thank you Manav.

I have attended a couple of refresher sessions from Abhinav. His sessions are informative and he always tries to add on something apart from the curriculum. There is always something to take away and do your own research on the subject after the session. So, you always have a return gift after attending his sessions.

Question 6: What is the goal of Data Science?

Supriya: If we go by the dictionary definition, then Data is any factual information (such as measurements or statistics) used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation and Science means knowledge. 

So, the goal of Data Science is to know your data or facts well-enough to utilize them for solving any business-related problem, help in timely decision making, forecast future events, distinguish between risk and opportunity, or make predictions on time, cost, and deliverable estimates.

Question 7: In your view, how has Data Science evolved in the last few years?

Supriya: Though the history of Data Science dates back to 800 A.D, when Iraqi mathematician Al Kindi used statistical analysis for cryptography, it has evolved considerably over the last few years. 

Today, Data Science has managed to permeate nearly every industry that generates or relies on data. And the way we are creating data especially in this COVID era (everything is online), it will not be an exaggeration to say that it will only continue to grow exponentially along with its application.

Question 8: What are the current trends in Data Science that you are most excited about?

Supriya: Some of the current trends in Data Science that appeal to me the most are advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Augmented Reality (AR), Graph Analytics, Predictive Data Analytics, Quantum Computing and AI. 

Question 9: Which are some of the blogs that you follow?

Supriya: Though there are so many blogs around Data Science, I do follow Accredian, Medium, Data Science Central, Quora, KDnuggets, insideBIGDATA, and AnalyticsVidhya

They are very useful and cover a wide array of Data Science topics regarding analytics, technology, tools, Data Visualization, code, and job opportunities. They also include discussions and insights about key topics contributed by industry experts which helps a lot if you are opting for a data science course in Delhi NCR.

Question 10: What is your advice to anyone wanting to start a career in Data Science?

Supriya: Learning data science can be intimidating. Especially when you are just starting your journey. 

So, my first advice is to never stop learning. Be consistent in your learning approach. Devote some active learning time to Data Science daily. Even if you can spare just 30 minutes from your busy schedule, devote it to studying Data Science. 

Secondly, never hesitate while asking your doubts. It is better to have doubts and get them resolved than waiting for them to create blunders in future application of your learning. Finally, choose the best data science course in Delhi NCR with the right faculties and syllabus to guide you.

This was a conversation with one of our GCDAI students – Supriya Bisht. 

For more such interesting student interviews, check out Accredian Spotlight.

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