Meet Gaurav Sharma From Infosys Limited

Gaurav Sharma, a 6 years experienced Technology Analyst, has been interested in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Applications since his MTech days. So, wanting to fulfill his wish of learning Data Science, he finally enrolled for the Global Certificate in Data Science & AI (GCDAI) program at Accredian

In this article, let’s see what interested him the most about Data Science and how his learning experience has been at Accredian.         

Question 1: Which program & batch are you part of at Accredian & tell us more about your current work profile?

Gaurav: I am part of the Global Certificate in Data Science & AI (GCDAI) program, January 2020 batch. I have six years of experience in the IT industry in the trade finance domain. Currently, I am working as an ML operations engineer in the AI and automation unit of Infosys. I have worked as an automation developer in the trade and finance domain in the last five years. 

Question 2: Walk us through your career journey & what got you interested in Data Science & Machine Learning?

Gaurav: I have been working in the IT industry for the past six years now. I feel very lucky to witness the timely services our team has provided to our clients to help them improve their productivity. 

During my MTech days, I had also worked on a project for the Ministry of Agriculture. In the project, I developed a model that detected the onset of any disease and its severity amongst crops and alerted farmers to initiate proper treatment on time. 

This helped the farmers to not only minimize pesticide use but improve the quality of the environment. After working on that project, I got interested in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Applications.   

Question 3: What all tools and packages in Data Science & Machine Learning have you mastered in your Data Science & AI program at Accredian so far?

Gaurav: I have learned Python packages like NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, etc. I have also worked on Google Collab and Anaconda. 

Question 4: What are some initial challenges when you got started on your Data Science journey, and how did you overcome them?

Gaurav: In my data science and artificial intelligence applications course, I faced difficulty with statistics and in remembering different groups for doing EDA. Practicing on additional data sets helped me improve my skills.

Question 5: Who is your favorite faculty at Accredian, and what did you learn from him the Most?

Gaurav: All faculties are my favorite. They have a unique teaching style, and all made sure to clear our doubts before proceeding to any new topic. And, I sincerely appreciate them for it.

Question 6: What is the goal of Data Science?

Gaurav: Data science aims to gain meaningful information from data and then portfolios based on the insights to improve productivity and effectively conduct business.

Question 7: In your view, how has Data Science evolved in the last few years?

Gaurav: In the past few years, Data Science in Artificial Intelligence Applications has become the most trending topic in the market. These technologies have opened doors to endless possibilities. And, this growth in the data science field has been possible mostly because of the easy availability of increased data worldwide. And to gain more precision in business decisions and processes through the use of available data, more organizations are opting for data science techniques and hiring data science specialists.  

Question 8: What are the current trends in Data Science that you are most excited about?

Gaurav: I am excited about automated translation in the AI field. Automation tools are evolving to incorporate many data science features within a solution. That way all the mundane and repeated activities will be automated and the human workforce can be utilized for better tasks and activities.

Question 9: Which are some of the blogs that you follow?

Gaurav: I follow blog posts on Medium and AnalyticsVidhya regularly.

Question 10: What is your advice to anyone wanting to start a career in Data Science?

Gaurav: Start a career today in data science and artificial intelligence applications. It is very much in demand. Stir up the spirit to learn something new within so that you can master the tools, techniques and concepts quickly and begin your career in data science as soon as possible. 

This was a conversation with one of our GCDAI students – Gaurav Sharma. 

If you want to read more such interesting student interviews, check out Accredian Spotlight.

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