Kickstart your Data Science journey here!

DS Video resource

The foundation of Data Science is how insights can be drawn using raw and unstructured data. Organizations deal with zettabytes and yottabytes of structured and unstructured data every day.

Here is your very own starter kit of video resources that you should watch in order to begin your quest of learning Data Science. These are excellent videos that explain the basics of data science in the most simple manner.

Do check them out right here!

1. A crack at basic Data Science concepts

If you have struggled with understanding the basic concepts of Data Science, these videos below will surely make it easy for you to grasp each concept perfectly.

2. Data Analyst Special

3. Data Scientists versus the rest

If you have ever wondered that the roles of Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Data Engineer or Product marketing manager, are similar or are simply confused about the difference Data Science, AI and Machine learning, we have few videos that extensively explain each role separately. Check them out:

4. Transition today, the right way!

Transitioning into the domain of Data Science can be challenging most of the times. But it does not matter if you are from a technical or a non-technical background. You can also be a Data Scientist! Check out how.

5. Extra Resources

Before you move forward with jobs and resumes, it is always best to know about the current things and tools in the domain of Data Science which will boost your chances at upskilling.

Below are some videos that you must check out, before you head out to pursue your dreams!

Today, if any digitally-driven organization is starved of data even for a short duration, then the organization loses its competitive edge. Data scientists help organizations make sense of their business, customers, and markets.


If you want to become a Data Scientist with the best salary, then you need to be at the top of your game. We hope you find these video resources useful to kickstart your journey! 

So if you’d like to see more such blogs full of video resources, check out blog.accredian.

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