In talks with with Faiz Sultan from Deutsche (Bank) India Pvt. Ltd.

In this Accredian Spotlight interview, we feature Faiz Sultan, a leading IT Professional with over 18+ years of experience. He is currently associated with the Deutsche Bank. His insatiable quest for knowledge and upskilling led him to enroll in the Global Certificate in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence program at Accredian.

Question 1: Which program & batch are you a part of at Accredian & tell us more about your current work profile?

Faiz: Currently I am pursuing my GCDAI (Global Certificate in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence) April 2021 batch.

I’ve been working for Deutsche (Bank) India Pvt. Ltd. Since July 2017, leading the APAC network Lice-Cycle Management team. I do financial and budget management for CAPEX (capital expenditure) and resource expenses. I assist in processing, manage and approving various vendor contracts, SoW (Statement of Work), quotes, purchase orders, monthly billing, and monitor SLAs.

Question 2: Walk us through your career journey & what got you interested in Data Science & Machine Learning?

Faiz: I have overall 18+ years of IT experience including experiences in Windows and Linux Systems, Data & Security Network, Analysis, Design & Implementation of Network Infra, Project & Program Management, Service Delivery, and Transition.

As I am always curious to learn new technologies, I wanted to explore Data Science and ML  looking into current and upcoming demands among the Organization. As I possess great leadership qualities I am confident that after mastering the program at Accredian I would be able to lead any ML or AI projects.

Question 3: What tools and packages in Data Science & Machine Learning have you mastered at Accredian so far?

Faiz: I’ve learned Python and packages including NumPy, Pandas; Visualization techniques such as Seaborn, Matplotlib; and Machine Learning packages like Sci-kit, etc.

Question 4: What challenges did you face when you started your Data Science journey, and how did you overcome them?

Faiz: Starting a new course where I never worked around could be a huge challenge for me. But the course structure created by Accredian seems the best one to start the journey for anyone in Data Science. 

Question 5: Who is your favorite faculty at Accredian and what did you learn from them?

Faiz: My favorite faculty is Sai. His style of teaching, clearing concepts with patience, and creating every line of code in front of the class has been brilliant. Every faculty has their own style of teaching so I must say, Mr. Neelmani Gupta, Dr. Darshan, and Mr. Sayan Dey have delivered their best during the classes.

Question 6: What is the goal of Data Science?

Faiz: To make strategic and effective business decisions based on Data-driven Insights, helping especially in the health sector, automate processes for faster results and improve work efficiency.

Question 7: How has Data Science evolved in the last few years and what current trends are you most excited about?

Faiz: Data Science has evolved rapidly. The current Data Science trend that excites me the most is Artificial Intelligence, where real-time Data will guide business decisions and provide business solutions. And secondly, the increasing demand for Data Scientists because of the availability of huge amounts of Data. 

Question 8: Which Data Science blogs do you follow?

Faiz: I follow Medium, Analytics Vidhya, and Towards Data Science.

Question 9: What advice would you give to a beginner in Data Science?

Faiz: I’d say that a beginner must gather all the knowledge of various concepts of Data Science, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence. They must practice regularly to master the concepts as well.

Hope you enjoyed reading this interview. If you want to read more such interesting student stories, check out Accredian Spotlight.

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