How Arun became Data Scientist at FIS I Accredian Success Story

Accredian Success Story - Arun Kumar

In today’s Accredian Success Story Series, we feature one of our students Arun Kumar, who has recently transitioned to a Data Scientist role. Arun is a part of Accredian Global Certificate in Data Science program, April 2020 batch.

Before moving to a Data Scientist role, Arun was working in the Fintech domain in application and server monitoring. In this interview, he shares with us his Data Science journey, the challenges he faced as a non-coder, how he cracked the Data Scientist interview, and much more. 

Q1. Why Data Science?

Data Scientist has been one of the trending jobs for the past few years. And I hope it will continue to be in the future as well. Data Scientist roles are in demand in almost every domain, be it the IT industry, medical insurances, electronics, and much more. Data scientists today can go anywhere. 

Q2. Why did you join Accredian Data Science Program?

Before joining Accredian, I had got the feedback that their way of teaching is very impressive. That’s the reason I joined Accredian. The trainers, the faculty members are very good. Whatever doubts I had, they explained from the beginning. Accredian has helped me fulfill my dream. 

Q3. What was the selection process at your company?

The selection process includes four sets/rounds of questions. The first set includes questions on process systems from Python, the second round has questions related to statistics, the third round has questions on machine learning and deep learning concepts, and the final round is technical but from a management perspective.

The final technical round includes questions on business analytics, how you will implement something to a project, or about the project in a production way.  Some questions on file management are also asked. 

Q4. What Data Science interview questions were you asked?

So I’ll start from the beginning.  Initially, I was asked basic questions on Python, such as on data types and operators. After that, the interviewers asked questions on functions, condition statements, iterators, and generator loop concepts.

From statistics, I was asked questions like what is a normal distribution function and what is done on serum and the Boltzmann distribution. Additionally, questions on permission learning and deep learning topics like standard, regression models, classification specifications, SPM, deep learning, CNN, and NLP were also asked. 

Q5. How did Accredian Data Science Program help you?

So, I’m from a non-programming background. When I joined Accredian, initially, I faced a lot of difficulty in Python programming. But I practiced a lot. Accredian started teaching everything from scratch.

After completing Python, they moved on to statistics, and then they started with Machine Learning concepts. The process was step-by-step. So that helped me a lot. Also, the assignments and the capstone project given were very helpful. This helped me transition to a Data Science role.

Q6. What advice would you give to Data Science beginners?

As I said earlier, I am from a non-programming background. So when I started Data Science it was very tough for me. I was getting a lot of errors when I was practicing like indentation key areas, value errors, and iteration errors. I would advise practicing a lot, at least an hour, daily.

Start doing the assignments and start implementing the capstone project. You need to put in both hard work and smart work to successfully transition to the Data Science domain. So keep practicing. 

We hope you found this interview interesting. If you are an aspiring Data Scientist and have any questions, feel free to comment below. We will get back to you. 

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