Facebook Product Manager Interview: List of 35+ Questions

Facebook Product Manager Interview: List of 35+ Questions

As I write this article there are around 104 openings for Product Managers at Facebook offices around the world. So, if you are job hunting for a Product Manager’s role, Facebook should be at the top of your list. 

I’m sure you know how challenging and competitive a Facebook Product Manager interview is. To help you begin your interview preparation on the right note, here’s the ultimate list of 35+ Product Manager interview questions asked at Facebook in the past. 

This article is a part of our PM interview questions series for top product companies. In the last blog, we shared 25+ Microsoft Product Manager interview questions

Before moving on to the list of PM interview questions, let’s try and understand how Facebook defines a Product Manager. This will help you get an idea of what you are getting into. 

Product Management Team at Facebook

With a quick search at Facebook’s career page, you’ll understand the varied roles for which Facebook hires Product Managers. From Marketing to Technical Product Managers, the company hires experienced and visionary candidates.

In the words of Facebook – “A product manager is a visionary who guides new product ideas from an initial concept to a full-blown product launch.

Facebook Product Manager Interview: List of 35+ Questions

35+ Facebook Product Manager Interview Questions

We have compiled the list of PM interview questions asked at Facebook in the past. These questions have been shared by interviewees at Glassdoor. Let’s get started.

Product Manager Interview – Product Design Questions

  1. Choose any product of Facebook and tell us how you will improve it?
  2. Design a feature for job search on Facebook.
  3. How would you improve Facebook events?
  4. If you were the Product Manager of Birthday’s feature on Facebook, how would you have built it?
  5. How can you improve Facebook pages?
  6. How would you redesign the Facebook newsfeed?
  7. How would you improve the stories product on Instagram?
  8. Design a grocery shopping app 
  9. How many ads should be displayed on the Facebook newsfeed?
  10. Design a  referral feature for Facebook 
  11. How would you design a product to find COVID resources on Facebook?
  12. How would you improve Facebook messenger?
  13. How would you design a gardening app?
  14. Design Whatsapp for blind people
  15. How would you build a product for house search on Facebook?
  16. Design a product for podcasts on Instagram 
  17. How would you build a gaming product for Facebook users?
  18. Design a volunteering app for Instagram
  19. Should Facebook enter the e-learning market?
  20. Why do you think Facebook hasn’t built a dating product yet?

Facebook Product Manager Interview – Product Execution Questions

  1. As a Product Manager of Facebook Live, which features would be your priority and why?
  2. On what basis do you prioritize features/goals?
  3. What goals would you set for the Facebook live product?
  4. Share an experience when you used data to make decisions?
  5. Which metrics are important for Facebook messenger?
  6. What metrics would you use to determine if Facebook reactions are successful or not?
  7. For Instagram stories, which features would you prioritize?
  8. If the use of Facebook groups drops by 15%, what would you do?
  9. What metrics would you use to measure the success of a new feature launched in WhatsApp calls?
  10. How would you rank posts as a Product Manager of Facebook newsfeed?
  11. What is DAU?
  12. The friend request feature of Facebook is down by 5%. How would you find what’s going on?
  13. What goals would you set for Facebook Pay?
  14. How would you measure the success of Instagram ads?
  15. What metrics would you look to measure the success of Instagram stories?
  16. Facebook ads revenue dropped by 20%. How would you fix this?
  17. How would you determine the success of the Facebook likes feature?
  18. What would you prioritize between launching a news feature vs fixing a bug?

In addition to the above-discussed questions, you should also prepare commonly asked PM interview questions. These primarily include technical, guesstimate, product launch, operations, and behavioural PM interview questions

We hoped you liked this blog on Facebook Product Manager interview questions. Let us know in the comments below if any other questions should be on this list.

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