7 Highly Effective Strategies for General Managers

General Manager Skills

In today’s professional landscape, the development of managerial skills is paramount for success. The World Economic Forum recognizes people management as one of the top 10 essential skills for thriving in the workforce.

Moreover, Gallup’s research reveals that companies with skilled managers enjoy higher profitability, increased productivity, and enhanced employee engagement—emphasizing the pivotal role of effective management in organizational culture and success.

7 Highly Effective Strategies for General Managers

Whether you are a budding manager or a seasoned professional, there are actionable steps you can take to enhance your abilities in guiding teams, overseeing projects, and driving success.

Discover seven strategies that will empower you to become a more proficient manager and propel your career forward.

1. Empower Your Decision-Making Abilities

Making sound decisions is an essential skill for managers. Whether you’re leading a team or navigating critical meetings, effective decision-making involves analyzing complex business problems and implementing actionable plans.

In the General Management course, you’ll discover the “three C’s” framework for successful decision-making:

A. Constructive Conflict

Engage team members in the decision-making process, inviting diverse perspectives and fostering creative problem-solving through healthy debate.

B. Consideration

Ensure all stakeholders feel their viewpoints have been thoughtfully considered, promoting commitment and buy-in to the determined solution.

C. Closure

Establish clear project completion criteria within a defined timeframe, evaluate any remaining tasks, and confirm unanimous agreement on the success of the outcome.

By integrating these qualities into your decision-making process, you can become a valuable contributor within your organization, shaping the context in which decisions are made.

2. Foster Self-Awareness

In the workplace, self-awareness sets high-performing managers apart from their peers. This vital aspect of emotional intelligence involves introspection and a candid assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.

By conducting self-assessments and seeking feedback from trusted colleagues, you can create a roadmap for professional growth that targets areas of improvement, ultimately unleashing your full potential as a manager and empowering those around you.

3. Establishing Trust

In the workplace, trust yields a myriad of advantages. Research from the Harvard Business Review reveals that employees in high-trust companies experience reduced stress, increased energy, enhanced productivity, and greater engagement.

To foster deeper connections with your colleagues, take the time for informal conversations before meetings, getting to know more about their lives beyond work.  Encourage open and inclusive discussions that embrace personal and professional differences, while remaining receptive to diverse viewpoints.

By prioritizing trust and empathy within your team, a strong sense of camaraderie, belonging, and motivation will flourish, creating a positive and thriving work environment.

4. Enhance your Communication Skills

Effective communication is a defining trait of successful managers. As a manager, you are responsible for handling intricate business scenarios and equipping your team with the necessary information and resources for triumph.

When confronted with challenges like organizational change, prioritize transparency by openly discussing the tasks ahead and instilling a shared vision of how the company can thrive during the transition.

Keep your team informed through regular updates and reinforce the plan for moving forward, ensuring everyone is aligned with the broader corporate objectives. By honing your communication and interpersonal skills, you’ll create a path to success for your team.

5. Implement Regular Check-ins

Cultivate a routine of consistently checking in with your employees beyond their annual performance reviews. Gallup’s research shows that team members receiving weekly feedback from their managers experience remarkable benefits:

  • They are over five times more likely to strongly agree that they receive meaningful feedback.
  • They are three times more likely to strongly agree that they are motivated to excel in their work.
  • They are two times more likely to be engaged in their job.

When delivering feedback, maintain an informal tone and focus on their progress towards organizational goals rather than their personalities. Assist them in developing a plan for the future and reaffirm your position as a trusted advisor as they tackle their next steps. These regular check-ins will foster a positive and supportive work environment, promoting productivity and growth.

6. Allocate Time for Reflection

In addition to regular check-ins, establish a consistent schedule for reflecting on and reviewing your team’s work.

A study by Harvard Business School professors Francesca Gino and Gary Pisano revealed that call center employees who dedicated 15 minutes to reflection at the end of the workday performed 23 percent better after 10 days than those who did not engage in reflection.

According to HBS Professor Amy Edmondson, reflection is a critical component of learning. It provides the opportunity to analyze our actions and processes, fostering continuous improvement and growth.

Ensure that reflection sessions are promptly scheduled after completing initiatives or projects, inviting all team members to participate openly and engage in constructive discussions.

Focus on identifying and resolving problems, and charting corrective action plans to avoid similar challenges in future endeavors. Emphasizing the value of reflection will lead to a more agile and adaptive team, better prepared to excel in a dynamic work environment.

7. Enroll in Comprehensive Management Training 

In addition to your regular tasks, investing in continuous education can significantly strengthen your management skills.

Through supplementary training like an online general management course, you’ll acquire fresh techniques and tools to proactively shape organizational processes in your favor. Moreover, this training provides you with access to a diverse network of peers, each offering unique backgrounds and perspectives that enrich your managerial approach and foster professional growth.


While the terms “management” and “leadership” are sometimes used interchangeably, they embody distinct skill sets and objectives. Nonetheless, the most effective managers often possess essential leadership traits.

General Manager Skills

Key characteristics of exceptional leaders include:

1. Exemplary Leadership

Strong leaders view themselves as integral parts of the teams they manage. They prioritize the greater good of their organization and employ delegation skills to assign tasks effectively to team members. Embracing constructive feedback from others is crucial for enhancing their leadership style, just as they provide feedback to their team.

2. Goal-Oriented

Great leaders deeply comprehend their organization’s business goals and overall mission. This knowledge empowers them to strategically prioritize initiatives and unite their team under a common vision.

3. Self-Motivated

Leaders must be self-driven and adept in time management to achieve their objectives. They navigate challenging tasks while inspiring their team members to follow suit.

By strengthening leadership skills, managers can cultivate stronger relationships with their teams, empowering them to perform at their best and seamlessly complementing their managerial capabilities.


Mastering the art of managing people and executing projects within deadlines and budgets is a vital business skill for all professionals. By honing your soft skills, developing self-awareness, and continuously pursuing education, you can acquire the necessary expertise to thrive as a manager and effectively lead both your team and organization toward success.


Are you eager to enhance your leadership and managerial abilities? Embark on a transformative journey with Accredian’s comprehensive General Management course. Take charge of your professional growth and accelerate your career by exploring our specialized programs.

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Unleash your true potential and become a more effective leader and manager with Accredian’s empowering courses.

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