How Priyanki became Data Science Engineer at CXsphere I Accredian Success Story

Accredian Success Story - Priyanki Das

It’s said there is no challenge one cannot overcome with strong determination. Priyanki Das, a part of Accredian’s GCD program has become an example of this. 

A postgraduate in Mathematics, Priyanki choose academics as a profession. However, keen to apply her skills to business applications, she decided to transition to Data Science. With no technical knowledge and a career gap, this Data Science transition journey was a little more difficult for her than others. 

Taking all the challenges head-on, Priyanki successfully landed a Data Science Engineer role with CXsphere. Watch the interview here:

Q1. Tell Us About Your Current Role and Background

Hi, my name is Priyanka Das. Currently, I’m working as a Data Science Engineer at CXsphere, which is a Canada-based startup. Previously, I was into academics. I completed my post-graduation in mathematics, followed by a few assignments in the teaching role. 

Q2. Why Did You Switch to Data Science from Academics?

After spending few years in academics, I understood that my interest lies in the application of mathematical and statistical concepts. So, I decided to pursue my career in Data Science, so that I can apply my skills in real-life business applications. 

Q3. You Come from a Non-technical Background. How Difficult Was It to Transition to Data Science?

When I started my learning in the field of Data Science, I definitely had a few hiccups. But gradually and with regular practice of coding, I was able to like sail smoothly. This is definitely because of the amazing instructors of Accredian. And I’m really enjoying my transition with each passing day. 

Q4. What Was the Transition Process to Become a Data Science Engineer?

After completing my studies, I tried my hands-on teaching. And in 2017, I got married and took a brief pause in my career. In 2019, I thought to restart my career, for which I joined Accredian’s Data Science program. 

I tried to brush up on my mathematical concepts and practiced on Data Science projects. During this transition process, I did two internships. One was with a Bengaluru-based FinTech company and the other one was with my present organization. Later, I was offered a full-time Data Science Engineer role. 

Q5. Why Accredian Data Science Program? How Did It Help You?

So, when I thought to start my career in Data Science, I searched for various institutes online and offline offering Data Science programs. But after evaluation, I found Accredian Data Science program to be the best as it gives in-depth knowledge and practical insights at an affordable value. And definitely, this is because the instructors at Accredian have played a vital role in shaping my career, and I’m really thankful to the entire team for that.  

Q6. Walk Us Through Your Day As a Data Science Engineer

The first thing I’d like to say is that I enjoy working in my current organization because of diversity, openness and, and the opportunities I am given. 

My day starts with evaluating the points which were discussed the day before in the team huddle. Then I prioritize the tasks advised by my manager. Currently, I am working on a project based on NLP and some logic testing for a matrimony client. 

Q7. What Advice Would You Give to Data Science Beginners?

My advice for Data Science beginners is to listen, learn, act and repeat. When I say listen, I mean listen to your instructors, mentors, and managers carefully. When I say learn, focus on learning the concepts and dive deep into them. Then, act on what you have learned and try to apply it to the business problems. And at last, repeat what you learn in the Data Science field as you progress. This is what I believe is the mantra for Data Science beginners. Thank you and all the best. 

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