Announcing: Revamp of Student Dashboard

At INSAID, continuously improving the student experience is core to improving student learning and outcomes. In pursuit of the same goal, we are super excited to announce the launch of our new My Account Dashboard!

The idea behind this initiative was to de-clutter the existing Dashboard and offer a more organized representation of all your resources.

This is how the old dashboard looked like:

Here are some problems that the new dashboard solves:

– The new dashboard offers a more seamless experience of your course progress. Better visualization aids take away the need for unnecessary browsing

DataNews and other resources are now more organized and easy to use

– The student bulletin and other updates are more accessible and hard to miss out on

This is how the new and upgraded dashboard looks like:

In this version, all the high level options will be on the left side and the respective pages on the right.

We have also introduced a few analytics on your current course completion status and we plan to integrate more components to this as well. This will make it easier for you to track your progress!

We have worked on the new Dashboard for the past one month to make it a more modular and smooth experience. We are continuosly iterating on the current version to include different inputs and enhancements and improve the student’s journey.

However, this Dashboard has been enabled only for a select few students and not all cohorts at INSAID. At this stage, we actively seek your opinion on how comfortable you are with the new dashboard. Do check out our new ‘My Account Dashboard’ and reach out to us directly with your feedback.

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