Accredian’s Spotlight Series: In conversation with Emily Chakraborty

Emily Chakraborty

Meet Emily Chakraborty, a determined data enthusiast from the January ’23 Cohort of Accredian’s Global Certificate in Data Science. She has been working as an Operations Executive at Computer Age Management Service LTD.

Seeking to enhance her work experience and explore the world of Data Science & ML, Emily enrolled Data Science program. Let’s dive into Emily’s journey and discover how Accredian helped her achieve her goals.

Question 1: Which program and batch are you part of at Accredian and tell us more about your current work profile.

Emily: I am currently in Term 7 and aiming to transition from GCD to PGDAI. As an Operations Executive, my primary responsibility involves verifying Mutual Fund NFT (Non-Financial Transactions) documents. I meticulously assess the validity of documents and ensure that all necessary attachments are accurately provided.

Approved documents proceed through the process, while incomplete ones are rejected. Additionally, I communicate with investors via letters and correspond with AMC (Mutual Fund companies) via email, informing them of missing elements and necessary actions.

I hold a pivotal role in my team, particularly in handling critical cases such as fraud detection and folio locks. Moreover, I am actively involved in training and mentoring new personnel joining CAMS Ltd. Kolkata.

Over the past 6+ years, I’ve gained extensive experience in managing both Financial Transactions (FT) and Non-Financial Transactions (NFT), dealing with critical as well as routine cases. My skill set also includes proficiency in Excel and other relevant tools.

Question 2: Walk us through your career journey & what got you interested in Data Science.

Emily: After over six years in my current role, I feel stuck without any viable opportunities for career progression or salary advancement despite numerous attempts to find them.

Faced with this challenge, I decided to explore alternative paths that could truly make a difference. I scoured various websites and stumbled upon eight to ten courses projected to remain relevant for the next 20+ years, and among them were Data Science and AI.

I admit I’m not a coder, which sparks some fear, yet I’m aware of the necessity to embrace this field. Despite these apprehensions, I’m determined to pursue it

Question 3: What all tools and packages in Data Science have you mastered in your current program at Accredian so far?

Emily: To be completely honest, my knowledge is basic, up until term 5. So just a few to begin with like:

  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn

Question 4: What are some of initial challenges when you got started on your Data Science journey and how did you overcome it?

Emily: Until now, I’ve been encountering the same issue: time management. I leave my house at 9 am and often return home around 10:30 pm, sometimes even later. As for my progress with Python, I’m currently in a better position than before.

Question 5: Who is your favorite faculty at Accredian and what did you learn from him the most?

Emily: Deepesh Sir. I really enjoyed learning all the concepts taught by him, the way he explains and the language he uses is very simple and clear for all. Deepesh explained Data Science concepts very clearly.

Question 6: In your view, what is the goal of Data Science?

Emily: The primary goal of Data Science is to extract valuable insights and knowledge from data to drive informed decision-making and solve complex problems.

Question 7: How has Data Science evolved in last few years?

Emily: From last few years Data Science has grown very fast and in the next few years it will grow faster.

Emily: The current trends in Data Science revolve around the fusion of AI and machine learning with ethical considerations, focusing on interpretability, fairness, and transparency in models.

Question 9: What is your advice to anyone wanting to start a career in Data Science?

Emily: You have to learn the fundamentals, practice with data, continuous learning and soft skills matter in order to become a true Data Scientist.

We hope you enjoyed reading this interview. Check out the Accredian Spotlight for more interesting student stories like this.

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