A Comprehensive Guide to XLRI’s Executive Program in Product Management

Executive Program in Product Management by XLRI Delhi-NCR
Executive Program in Product Management by XLRI Delhi-NCR

XLRI, or Xavier School of Management, is a leading institution in India that is widely recognized for its academic excellence, world-class faculty, and strong industry connections.

The Executive Program in Product Management offered by XLRI is a specialized program that aims to equip working professionals with the skills, knowledge, and expertise required to excel in the field of product management.

If you are a working professional aiming to excel in product management, XLRI’s Executive Program in Product Management is a specialized program that can equip you with the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise.

One of the primary benefits of the Executive Program in Product Management offered by XLRI is the quality of education it provides. The program curriculum is designed by industry experts and renowned faculty members who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience.

The program focuses on the latest trends, best practices, and emerging technologies in product management, and enables participants to develop a strong foundation in this field.

Another significant benefit of the program is the practical learning opportunities it offers. Participants get a chance to work on live projects, undertake case studies, and participate in industry visits, which helps them gain hands-on experience and practical insights into product management.

XLRI has a strong industry network, and participants get numerous opportunities to interact with industry leaders, learn from their experiences, and build their professional network.

XLRI’s Executive Program in Product Management is an excellent opportunity for working professionals who want to enhance their skills and knowledge in product management.

The program offers quality education, practical learning opportunities, a strong industry network, and a holistic growth experience, all of which can help participants achieve their personal and professional goals.

Being a part of XLRI and this program can open up a plethora of opportunities and propel one’s career growth in the field of product management.

The Executive Program in Product Management at XLRI-Delhi NCR Campus is designed to provide professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field of product management. This program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of product management, including product development, pricing, and marketing. 

The course is taught by experienced faculty and industry experts who provide hands-on learning experiences and case studies. This program also offers networking opportunities with other professionals in the industry. Upon completion, participants will have a better understanding of the product management lifecycle and be better equipped to drive business growth and innovation.

Key Highlights 

1) World-Class Learning Experience

The institution provides high-quality education that is on par with the best institutions worldwide. This translates to an exceptional learning experience that enables students to develop their skills and knowledge, equipping them for success in their careers.

2) Get Certified by India’s Premier Institution XLRI

XLRI is one of India’s most renowned institutions, known for its excellence in education and faculty. A certification from XLRI can significantly enhance a student’s credibility, demonstrating that they have received world-class education from a premier institution.

3) Ranked among India’s Top 5 Business Schools

Being among India’s top 5 business schools signifies that the institution is recognized for its high standards of education, faculty, and infrastructure. This ranking can significantly improve a student’s career prospects, demonstrating that they have received education from a reputable and recognized institution. It can also provide opportunities for networking and collaboration with other top performers in the industry.


Program Syllabus

The Executive Program in Product Management includes the following modules:

Module 1 – Introduction to Product  Management 

  • Understanding the role of product management
  • Defining product vision and strategy
  • Identifying key stakeholders & managing expectations

Module 2 – Who is Product Manager

  • Developing leadership & communication skills
  • Building & managing cross-functional teams
  • Balancing short term goals with long-term vision

Module 3 – Market Research

  • Conducting User Interviews & Usability Testing
  • Analyzing Customer Feedback & Identifying Pain Points
  • Gathering Insights from Focus Groups & Surveys

Module 4 – Market & Competitor Analysis

  • Identifying Market Trends & Customer Needs
  • Analyzing Competitive Landscape & Positioning
  • Understanding Pricing & Distribution Strategies

Module 5 – Product Vision & Mission

  • Aligning Product Goals with Organizational Goals
  • Importance of Clarity in Product Vision
  • Communicating Vision & Mission to Stakeholders

Module 6 – Product Ideation & Value Proposition Design

  • Defining Problem & Target User
  • Brainstorming & Ideating Solutions
  • Defining Unique Value that Product Provides
  • Identifying Customer Pain Points & Addressing Them

Module 7 – Business Model Canvas

  • Identifying Revenue Streams & Cost Structure
  • Developing Pricing Strategy
  • Assessing Business Model Viability

Module 8 – Product Planning & Roadmapping

  • Defining & Prioritizing Product Features & Releases
  • Aligning Product Roadmap with Overall Company Strategy
  • Communicating Product Roadmap to Stakeholders

Module 9 – Agile Roadmapping & Prioritization

  • Agile Roadmapping Techniques
  • Prioritizing Features in Roadmaps
  • Iterative Roadmap Adjustments

Module 10 – Design Thinking

  • Introduction to Design Thinking
  • Design Thinking for Product Managers
  • Empathizing with Users & Understanding their Needs
  • Defining Problem & Ideating Solutions

Module 11 – Introduction to UI/UX

  • Fundamentals of User Interface Design
  • User-Centered Design Principles
  • Wireframing & Mockups
  • Accessibility in UI/UX

Module 12 – Designing Interactive User Experiences (UX)

  • Visual Design Principles
  • Interaction Design Techniques
  • Usability Testing in UI/UX
  • Responsive Design & Cross-Platform Considerations

Module 13 – Rapid Prototyping Techniques

  • Creating Low-Fidelity Prototypes Quickly
  • Incorporating Customer Feedback into Rapid Iterations

Module 14 – Technology Basics for PM

  • Understanding Technology Stack
  • Integration of Technology in Products
  • Collaboration with Development Teams

Module 15 – Agile Product Development

  • Introduction to Agile Methodology
  • Scrum & Kanban Frameworks
  • Roles in Agile Product Development
  • Implementing Agile in Product Teams

Module 16 – Evaluating Project Progress

  • Setting & Tracking KPIs
  • Conducting Regular Product Reviews & Retrospectives
  • Communicating Progress to Stakeholders & Updating Roadmap

Module 17 – Product Testing

  • Collecting & Analyzing Product Usage Data
  • Running A/B Tests & Experiments
  • Addressing Bugs & Issues to Ensure Product Quality

Module 18 – Optimizing Product Mix

  • Analyzing Product Portfolio & Identifying Gaps
  • Assessing Performance of Individual Products & Making Adjustments
  • Developing a Strategy to Optimize Overall Product Mix

Module 19 – Pricing Strategies for Product Success

  • Determining Optimal Product Pricing Strategy
  • Understanding Pricing Psychology & Customer Behavior
  • Testing & Iterating on Pricing to Optimize Revenue

Module 20 – Brand Building & Promotion

  • Defining Brand & Value Proposition
  • Creating Marketing Strategy based on Brand Values
  • Leveraging Various Channels to Promote Product

Module 21 – Digital Marketing & Channels

  • Developing Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Identifying & Leveraging Various Marketing Channels
  • Go-to Market Strategy

Module 22 – Product Analytics for Product Managers

  • Introduction to Product Analytics
  • Defining Key Metrics for Products
  • Tools for Product Analytics
  • Case Study: Interpreting Data and Making Informed Decisions

Module 23 – A/B Testing for Product Managers

  • Planning and Designing Effective Tests
  • A/B Testing and Experimentation
  • Actionable Insights and Learning from A/B Testing

Module 24 – Product Teardown

  • Reverse engineering product to understand its design & development process. Product Teardown of Top 5 IOS/Android apps.

Upon registration for the program, you will be provided with Accredian’s Career Support module that consists of 5 robust sessions dedicated to boosting your career development. These sessions are designed to elevate your job profile and equip you with the skills necessary to excel in interviews.

  1. PRODUCT RESUME PREP: We’ll help you build a sharp PM resume.
  2. 1-ON-1 CAREER COUNSELLING: Get a dedicated career coach for you!
  3. SIMULATED MOCK INTERVIEWS: Participate in mock interviews and be prepared.
  4. PM INTERVIEW RESOURCES: Get access to 2024 PM interview resources.

The career support module includes various features, such as resume preparation, where we assist you in creating an impactful PM resume. Additionally, you can avail yourself of 1-on-1 career counseling with a dedicated career coach who will guide you through your career path.

To prepare you for interviews, we also offer simulated mock interviews to enhance your confidence and readiness. Moreover, you will have access to 2024 PM Interview resources that will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the interview process.

Admission Process

  1. Schedule 1-on-1 Chat with Program Advisors
  2. Application & Profile Review
  3. Get your admission letter from XLRI | Delhi-NCR

Start Your Journey Today at XLRI without quitting your job!

Accredian focuses on teaching and researching cutting-edge technologies such as AI, ML, data science, and product management. By offering industry-specific programs, we aim to equip working professionals with skill sets and transformative learning experiences to advance their careers. Our mission is to make world-class education accessible and enable high-impact careers for everyone.

Do you have any queries?

Reach out to us at [email protected]
Talk to our Program Mentor at +91 9526468843

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