Quick Tips to get your first Data Science Internship in 2022

Quick tips

It has always been hard to get an internship and it seems particularly difficult to get one in 2022. Nobody knows why. You’re young, energetic and full of aspirations! There must be something to help you with this, right?

Yes there is. Do not wallow away, because we have a few tips that will help you start with your internship. It does take some time and effort so be prepared.

Here are some tips on cracking your Data Science Internship.

Tip- 1 Honesty is the best policy

It is best to avoid lying about your skill set as a fresher. Do not try to oversell yourself at an interview. Even though every employee is looking to hire the perfect intern who can do it all, you do not need to be the one.

Writing clean codes, solving real world problems, working for long but at the same time not getting paid enough for all this, looks like a bad deal. Therefore be honest about the skill sets you have and the ones you do not. 

Believe it or not, there is an internship out there for everyone.

The best approach to deal with this is to make your resume and application very compelling. You need to showcase how and what you can do with the amount of skill you possess. 

By being upfront about this you will be saving their and your time. Recruiters go through a lot of applications like these within a limited amount of time, so giving them a sense of your capabilities will make them make a decision about you without lingering on your application.

So how can you highlight your skills without prior work experience?

It is easy. Talk about coding challenges that you have taken up or competed in the past. Highlight your contributions in the college projects if any. You can even share about how you plan to learn and use Data Science in your career. 

Further you can talk about tools, softwares and the kind of problems you have engaged with. Just try to make these examples relevant to the company you are applying to and show them how you can become an effective member of the organisation.

Tip-2 Be prepared to work for less

When you begin your journey in the field of Data Science, as an intern, do not expect to start earning six figures from your first gig. 

The key takeaway from this tip is to understand that everyone has to begin from some place. Value experience more than what you might earn. As it is said, ‘all work experience is good work experience’. 

Therefore focus more on learning to achieve your dreams. Money will follow automatically. Appreciate the fact that you are getting paid to learn the ins and outs of the industry that you will be joining pretty soon.

Tip-3 Boost your hiring chances by learning high demand skills

You need to understand that you are not the only one who is applying for a Data Science internship. Therefore, everyone will have knowledge of coding, Python, Data visualisation and be able to run simple data analysis.

The competition for Data Science internships is difficult and you need to stand out from the rest. The best way to do this is by choosing the industry you want to work in and learn about the specific skills that are needed in the chosen industry. 

With this plan, you can immediately get to work and upskill yourself by either doing certified courses or engaging in self research and becoming an ideal candidate. So before you apply to a company, take your time to research and upskill yourself. You and your resume will shine brighter than the rest.

Tip-4 Keep discussing your plans with friends and ex-instructors

One of the best sources of information regarding internships and openings is from your friends and instructors. If you have maintained a good relationship with these groups of people then they will be able to guide you the best way possible and show you new doors.

If you have not graduated yet, then this is something you need to make sure of. Keep in contact with your peers and professors. Make good connections, set a plan and understand your future with your career choices. 

In case you might need to provide a reference at your first internship,  these people are excellent for this. Networking in general is a necessity in all walks of life and it helps you achieve the most out of your aspirations.

Tip-5 Practice solving real life problems before applying

Most recruiters complain about the fact that many applicants or freshers find it difficult to solve real world problems. This is not a unique phenomenon in the field of Data Science.

While most Universities will do their best to expose students to solve real world problems, it can be difficult to replicate the experience in a professional setting. Therefore it is up to you to learn about solving real world problems before you go for your first interview.

Not only will this set you apart, it will also increase the chances of you getting accepted for the internship. You can try your hands on projects like: 

  • Climate change visualisers
  • Face recognition apps
  • Detecting fake news

You can also visit Github where many companies share their data repositories for aspiring candidates to practice at will. Alternatively, participating in competitions hosted by various companies can also be the opportunity for you to learn and showcase your skills.


So to summarise, the things you should do to get a Data Science internship are:

  1. Being honest
  2. Valuing experience over money
  3. Learning high demand skills to boost changes of hiring
  4. Discussing career plans with friends and past instructors
  5. Learn solving real world problems

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