Meet Suchita Kashyap From OSB India

Being a web analyst for over four years, Suchita Kashyap loves working with data. And it is this love for data that led her to a data science course. Wanting to go for a data science career, Suchita enrolled for the Global Certificate in Data Science (GCD) program at Accredian

In this interview, lets she what intrigues her most about data science and how has her learning experience been at Accredian.   

Question 1: Which program & batch are you part of at Accredian & tell us more about your current work profile?

Suchita: I have enrolled for the Global Certificate in Data Science (GCD) program, August 2020 batch. My profile is all into conversion rate optimization on list and I work in Bangalore. I am into analytics and it’s already been four years and eight months since I’ve been working in this profile. Currently, I’m working for a UK bank, where I optimize the website and look into the analytics part. So that’s pretty much about my current profession.

Question 2: Walk us through your career journey & what got you interested in Data Science & Machine Learning?

Suchita: I did B.Tech in computer science engineering. And, although I’ve a computer background, I always find myself in traditional marketing roles as I’ve been interested in digital marketing since my graduation days.

I love working around analytics, specifically web analytics. Playing around with data, doing the analysis and performing website enhancements are my forte. So that’s the particular reason why I have been into this field. 

And the reason that made me decide pursue a data science course is, I have been working in the analytics domain. I could somehow relate to data science because of the evolution and the kind of algorithms, analytics and statistics it includes. I’m transitioning from digital marketing to data science and machine learning. So that’s pretty much about my career journey.  

Question 3: What were some of the initial challenges when you got started on your Data Science journey and how did you overcome it?

Suchita: When we started off the data science course, the programming language was all about Python and that was, initially, very overwhelming for me. So, it took me some time to get a hang of it, but as the class progressed, the pace of the class was very much stable and I was taking an apt amount of time to gulp in all the understandings and learnings that we have, and practice it on Jupyter as well.

By practicing I somehow gained confidence over my programming languages like Python, Pandas and everything. That was kind of the initial challenge with the programming in the beginning. However, I was very much engaged in the course and learnt a lot that would help me in my data science career.  

Question 4: Who is your favorite faculty at Accredian and what did you learn from him the Most?

Suchita: Our Data Science course at Accredian was initially conducted by Sai Charan. Sai was very patient. He kind of understood that our class included students from different walks of life with diverse work experiences ranging from five to 10 plus years. So, he kind of understood when to stop, how much to give in and how much of the programming language and the statistics concepts we will be understanding. 

Question 5: What is the goal of Data Science?

Suchita: The goal of data science is to equip us to efficiently and smartly solve daily life problemsAnd it means extracting data that could probably help any business get useful insights to optimize project functionality and decision-making. 

Question 6: What are the current trends in Data Science that you are most excited about?

Suchita: The current trend of data science is data retrieval and its effective usage in making decisions and the insights that you get from raw data. Streaming all those data using analytic techniques, channelizing it and optimizing the project is what the new trend is. Gradually everything will switch from manpower to AI, everything will be operated by Artificial Intelligence giving commands and Machine learning to fulfill the demands and supplies of the market. So basically, the trend is, building projects that are smarter, more responsible, more accurate, more artificial intelligence based.

Question 7: In your view, how has Data Science evolved in the last few years?

Suchita: If we talk about the evolution of data science, how it became a career and how it is transitioning, I guess, there has a been a full fledged technological adoption of AI across businesses and industries in the past five or six years to optimize and utilize data smartly and more efficiently.

The reason why everything took a backseat and data science came forward is because of time and resource efficiency. If you have the correct knowledge, you can incorporate your learnings in everything and can experiment with your daily experiences as well.

I feel that within five to six years, it has taken a huge leap forward and it’s sure going to expand at the speed of light in the upcoming years as well. So, that’s basically one thing that excites me the most about this evolving technology.

This was a conversation with one of our GCD students, Suchita Kashyap. 

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