Meet Sandeep Munishwar from Teradata

At Accredian, we create accomplished and empowered Data Leaders. We groom our students to dominate the world of Data Science and AI and reshape their future. We value what our students bring to the table. We share their vision and support them during their journey and ensure that they carve a niche for themselves.

We’re proud to have tutored exceptional students all across India. Today, one such exceptional student, Sandeep Munishwar stands in the spotlight.

Student Name: Sandeep Munishwar
Current Organization: Teradata
Batch: GCD – September 2019
Total years of experience: 19 years

Malvika: Hi Sandeep, before we begin, could you tell us more about your current work profile? 

Sandeep: See I am currently on a one-year sabbatical. Last year, I was working with a company called Teradata where I was into consultative sales. 

My previous company is a Data Warehouse Leader in the market. So I have been doing data warehousing and analytics for the last 13-14 years.

Malvika: What got you interested in Data Science & Machine Learning? 

Sandeep: I am a person who understands and has been involved in analytics and Data Science for a particular number of years.

Although my role was typically sales, although I was doing consultative sales, but it was more of a sales profile, I’ve not been able to get into the typical kind of consulting. So my objective is to get into Data Science consulting or Analytics consulting.

Malvika:  What all tools and packages in Data Science & Machine Learning have you mastered in your Data Science & AI program at Accredian so far? 

Sandeep: So I have been using Python programming tool as taught by Suchit and thereafter Lavi has taken over for Machine Learning.

I have been implementing all the tools and algorithms that I have learned by way of projects. I have been practicing Python continuously to brush up my technical skills. 

Malvika: What is the goal of Data Science? In your view, how has Data Science evolved in the last few years? 

Sandeep: Typically as far as the industry is concerned, we have already been working on a lot of technologies like Big Data and such.

Also, the cost of capturing data has also come down drastically. So now the futuristic goal is to make use of this data to create products and improve business processes with the data that we already have and are collecting progressively.

Most of the time, Data Science is used in the exploratory nature where people are doing small projects to get something out of data and then move to the next focus area.

The typical kind of analytics and Data Science which has been happening traditionally like risk management for banking is already matured but the use of this new data will be groundbreaking.

I have seen a couple of projects where even the government wanted to make use of social media data to explore and identify patterns.

Malvika: Accredian’s mission is to Groom Data Leaders of tomorrow. What do you understand by a Data Leader? And how is a Data Leader different from a Data Scientist?

Sandeep: A Data Leader is a person who should understand the importance of data and how using in different spheres of organizational strategy could benefit the organization.

This is an umbrella role where the person should understand the different areas of Data Science and then he should be able to identify and communicate effectively.

While Data Scientists is a person wo is more technically inclined, Data Leader is able to understand the business issues and Data Scientists should emulate those business plans and come up with the solutions.

Malvika: Thank you for your time, Sandeep. All the best for your future!

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