Meet Paras Nandwani from Dew Solutions

At Accredian, we create accomplished and empowered Data Leaders. We groom our students to dominate the world of Data Science and AI and reshape their future. We value what our students bring to the table. We share their vision and support them during their journey and ensure that they carve a niche for themselves.

We’re proud to have tutored exceptional students all across India. Today, one such exceptional student, Paras Nandwani stands in the spotlight.

Student Name: Paras Nandwani
Current Organization: Dew Solutions
Batch: GCDAI – August 2019
Total years of experience: 4 years

Malvika: Hi Paras, before we begin, could you tell us more about your current work profile? 

Paras: I completed my graduation in Engineering in 2015.

I’m a Software Engineer at Dew Solutions Pvt Ltd. I have 4 Years of experience in Software Design and Development and in building scalable web products.

Malvika: What got you interested in Data Science & Machine Learning? 

Paras: I wanted to transition in my career and make the most of more opportunities.

Data Science is a very promising field and I wished to ride the wave.

Malvika: What all tools and packages in Data Science & Machine Learning have you mastered in your Data Science & AI program at Accredian so far? 

Paras:  I am getting more hands-on with Python and its packages like Numpy, Pandas Matplotlib and now I’m exploring Scikit Learn.

Malvika: What are the current trends in Data Science that you are most excited about? 

Paras: I’m most interested in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing as trends in the Artificial Intelligence space.

Malvika: Crafting a great Data Science resume is a critical part of getting shortlisted for Data Science roles. Tell us some ways in which you have improved your resume as part of Data Science Career Launchpad.

Paras: Those sessions were extremely insightful. The resume session was informative when it came to drafting Data Science resumes. The idea that different versions of your resume need to be created and your professional headshot is an important part of building a successful professional profile were valuable takeaways.

Malvika: At Accredian, students are encouraged to build high-quality GitHub profiles. Have you built a GitHub portfolio and how do you think this will help you?

Paras: GitHub profile building sessions were also very beneficial.

From a technical standpoint, GitHub adds much value to your professional profile. You get to showcase all your projects, articles and work on GitHub and it acts as a useful repository for potential employers.

Malvika: Accredian’s mission is to Groom Data Leaders of tomorrow. What do you understand by a Data Leader? And how is a Data Leader different from a Data Scientist?

Paras: Data Leaders are managers of Data Scientists who lead from the front.

They go the extra mile beyond regular analysis and manage an entire team of Data Scientists.

Malvika: Which are some of the blogs that you read?

Paras: There is no dearth of information on blogs when it comes to Data Science. I regularly follow Medium, Towardsdatascience, Data Science Central and KDNUggets.

Malvika: What are some of the initial challenges you faced when you got started on your Data Science journey and how did you overcome it? 

Paras: The biggest challenge for me was understanding the data and how to find the patterns in that data.

Another challenging area was how to fill those missing values? Since I am from a coding background,  programming was not a challenge for me at all. The statistics part of Data Science was somewhat a struggle. 

Malvika: What is your advice to anyone wanting to start a career in Data Science? 

Paras: Focus on the basics like statistics focus on that area, because that is the crux of all Data Science Analysis.

I consider myself Python is truly easy to learn if you give yourself the time. So my suggestion will be to focus on the basics and solidify that because Data Science can get overwhelming if you keep focusing on the entire scope. So those are my two cents. 

Malvika: Thank you for your time, Paras. All the best for your future!

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