Professonal journeys of Top 10 ML experts

The field of Machine Learning has witnessed many mavericks who have made their own mark in this field and proved on a global platform the strength of their achievements.

Not all of these Machine Learning Experts have a similar background or comparable education

For Machine Learning aspirants, knowing the professional journeys of these Experts can be both inspiring and engaging.

This blog will walk you through the career journeys of the world’s Top 10 Machine Learning Experts so you can relate and learn from their achievements. 

Let’s start with our list.

1. Adam Coates


– PhD. (2012), Stanford University


– Director, Apple

– Operating Partner, Khosla Ventures

– Director, Silicon Valley AI Lab (Baidu Research)

Career Highlights

– Co-developed an autonomous helicopter

– Creating Perception Systems for Household Robots

– Developed Early Large-scale Deep Learning Methods

– Co-created Deep Learning Software for High-Performance Computing Systems with the Stanford team

Adam is a Machine Learning enthusiast with a keen interest in Control & Robotics and Deep Learning.

He is always ready to contribute to the development of machine learning, artificial intelligence and deep learning. With a rich and grand career of 7 years and continuing, he has worked on numerous projects in these fields.

Credited to his names are some of the very interesting applications in these fields like self-driving cars, object detection, AI-based speech recognition systems and unsupervised learning to name a few.

He is the famed student of one of the world’s most famous computer scientists, Andrew Ng.

Follow Adam here:


Twitter: @adampaulcoates

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2. Allen Bonde


– Master’s Degree (Engineering), University of Virginia


– VP and Research Director, Forrester

– Co-founder, Wyng (formerly Offerpop)

– Was a Data Scientist in the Telecom sector, at the onset of his career

Career Highlights

– A US patent for the use of big data and AI in the telecom sector

– Extensive research work on SaaS and AI

– Eminent author and speaker; has 150 publications to his credit and delivered great talks across continents

With a glorious career spanning almost 3 decades and still counting, Allen is a pioneer when it comes to practical application of big data, artificial intelligence and SaaS.

In his current capacity, he applies the use of artificial intelligence-based automation in driving engagement for customer-facing apps.

His constant aim is to implement data-driven approaches in building and starting products and brands. Being a big advocator of agile methods, Allen prefers to use podcasts and short-form videos to talk to the world and share his insights.

Follow Allen here:


Twitter: @abonde

3. Andreas Mueller


PhD. Computer Science (2014), University of Bonn


– Associate Research Scientist, Data Science Institute, Columbia University

– Visiting Scientist, Austrian Institute of Science and Technology

– Machine Learning Scientist, Amazon Development Center, Germany

Career Highlights

– Author of the Bestseller “Introduction to Machine Learning with Python”

– Core developer and member, technical committee for Scikit-learn

– Creator and maintainer of PyStruct

– Action Editor, Journal of Machine Learning Research

Andreas, a Machine Learning Scientist and Software Engineer, is on a coherent mission to provide equal access for all to high-quality machine learning algorithms, encourage reproducible science and reduce the hindrances for the entry of machine learning algorithms.

Andreas is one of the most active speakers and contributors in the world of artificial intelligence. He has regularly contributed towards the practical applications of data science and machine learning.

Andreas is committed to make the intricate technology easily accessible and comprehensible.

Follow Andreas here:


Twitter: @amuellerml

4. Andrew Ng


– PhD. (2002), University of California


– Co-founder, Coursera

– Former VP and Chief Scientist, Baidu

– Launched a series of online courses in deep learning

Career Highlights

– Founded the Google Brain project at Google that developed large scale artificial neural network

– Worked on Autonomous Helicopter Project of the Stanford University

– Worked on Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project (STAIR)

– Made knowledge of data science available to all, through online courses in Coursera

– Andrew Ng is the Mentor and Teacher of Adam Coates, a Director at Apple.

Having more than 100 research papers, in robotics, machine learning, etc., to his credit, he is one of the most prominent contributors to the field of robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning.

Due to his noteworthy body of work, the world now has some of the most distinct applications of AI, ML and DL. These include autonomous driving, one of the most popular open-source robotics platforms– ROS and speech recognition systems.

One of his most famous projects, Google Brain, resulted in the latest speech recognition systems.

Follow Andrew here:


Twitter: @AndrewYNg

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5. Angelica Lim


– PhD. (2014), Kyoto University


– Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, Simon Fraser University

– Software Engineering Manager (R&D), SoftBank Robotics, Europe

– Research Intern, Honda Research Institute, Japan

– Software Engineering Intern, Google

Career Highlights

– CITEC Award for Excellence in Doctoral HRI Research, 2014

– NTF Award for Entertainment Robots and Systems (IROS), 2010

– Google Canada Anita Borg Scholarship, 2008

– Published A Recipe for Empathy

– Has a patent for Gaze and Filled Pause Detection for Smooth Human-Robot Conversations

A computer science Professor and self-confessed robot geek, Angelica Lim loves to develop AI software for robots to connect in an intelligent yet light manner.

Her research work revolves around the assumption if robots had feelings, how it would work. She addresses this area with a combination of Machine Learning, Developmental Psychology and Neuroscience.

Angelica has worked for close to a decade in the field of AI and Robots.

One of the pioneers in the field who stresses on the positive aspect of the use of AI, she has created many robots that will make use of emotional intelligence when dealing with humans.

Follow Angelica here


Twitter: @petitegeek

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6. Bernard Marr


– Degrees in IT, business and engineering


– Internationally acclaimed Author and Speaker

– Member of the Dean’s Council, Lancaster University Management School

– Teacher at Oxford University, ICAEW, Irish Management Institute and BPP

Career Highlights

– Ranked in the Top 5 Business Influencers of the World

– Authored 16 books, noteworthy articles and reports

– Received many awards like CMI Management Book of the Year Award, WHSmith Best Business Book Award

– Owns Bernard Marr & Co.

One of the world’s most coveted strategic technology and business advisor, speaker and author, Bernard also pens down a periodic column in Forbes. He is also a regular contributor to the World Economic Forum.

His aim is to help companies make intelligent use of data in their businesses, enhance business performance and make sense of the use of the latest technologies like Blockchains, IoT, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.

To reach out to his 2 million social media followers and keep them effectively engaged, he is actively sharing content across his social media channels.

Follow Bernard here:


Twitter: @BernardMarr

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7. Bill Schmarzo


– MBA (Management Systems), University of Iowa


– CTO, IoT and Analytics, Hitachi Vantara

– Professor (Honorary), NUI Galway

– CTO, Dell EMC Global Services Big Data Practice

Career Highlights

– Veteran in the field of big data and analytics

– Penned a series on analytic applications

– Faculty for the course “Thinking Like a Data Scientist” at TDWI

Given his magnitude of experience in the realm of advanced analytics and solutions for almost four decades, Bill’s twitter byname Dean of Big Data is aptly justified.

In his current capacity, he helps customers make the most of analytics and IoT to strengthen digital business transformations. He is an avid speaker on how to optimally utilize big data and advanced analytics to stimulate the important business initiative of an organization.

“Big Data MBA: Driving Business Strategies with Data Science” and “Big Data: Understanding How Data Powers Big Business” are the two bestsellers that Bill wrote.

Follow Bill here


Twitter: @schmarzo

8. Dean Abbott


– M.A.M. (Applied Mathematics), University of Virginia


– Co-founder, CTO and Chief Data Scientist, SmarterHQ

– President and Founder, Abbott Analytics / Abbott Consulting

– Senior Research Scientist, Elder Research, Inc.

Career Highlights

– Competent instructor of a variety of seminars and tutorials on data mining

– Created and assessed the algorithms to be used in pattern recognition and data mining products.

– Authored “Applied Predictive Analytics: Principles and Techniques for the Professional Data Analyst” book

World-renowned data mining expert with more than two decades of experience in practical implementation of the data visualization, data mining and data preparation methodologies, Dean Abbott is a master in dealing with practical problems related to large amount of data, like fraud detection and survey analysis etc.

He also works as a consultant in the realm of data mining related software companies. Dean offers a critical analysis and evaluation of an organization’s present features.

Follow Dean here:


Twitter: @deanabb

9. Ian Goodfellow


– PhD. (2014), Université de Montréal


– Director (Machine Learning Special Projects), Apple
– Senior Staff Research Scientist, Google
– Software Engineering Intern, Google

Career Highlights

– Features in 100 Global Thinkers list of Foreign Policy, 2019
– Cited in the 35 Innovators under 35 list of MIT Technology Review
– Lead author of Deep Learning

A researcher in the Machine Learning space, Ian had an illustrious career in the last decade and continues to have an enviable profile.

He is currently working as the
Director Machine Learning, Special Projects in Apple.

He was even employed in the coveted
Google Brain project as a research scientist. He is famous for his invention of Generative Adversarial Networks.

This methodology is
used in Facebook in the Machine Learning space.

He brought to light security loopholes in the machine learning systems and created a system through which
Google Maps could automatically interpret addresses from the images clicked by Street View Cars.

Follow Ian here:


Twitter: @goodfellow_ian

10. Monica Rogati


– PhD. (2008), Carnegie Mellon University


– Independent Data Science and AI Advisor
– VP (Data), Jawbone
– Senior Data Scientist, LinkedIn
– Logic Design Assistant, NASA Microelectronics Research Center

Career Highlights

– Features in the 100 Most Creative People in Business list by Fast Company
– Features in the Big Data All-Stars
– Published An Evaluation of Adaptive Filtering in the Context of Realistic Task-Based Information Exploration
– Has a Methods and systems for identifying similar people via a business networking service patent on her name

The brain behind the “people you may know” feature on LinkedIn, Monica is an independent artificial intelligence and data science advisor.

She facilitates several organizations on their strategic and technical AI and data requirements.

Monica is a specialist in natural language processing, text mining, social network analysis, machine learning, and recommender systems.

She is always enthusiastic in creating actionable insights, innovative products and incredible stories from data.

She led a team of top engineers and data scientists as the Vice President of Jawbone.
Being endorsed for Machine Learning by Dr Kirk Borne, for Data Science by DJ Patil and for Data Mining by Claudia Perlich speaks volumes about her competence in these domains.

Follow Monica here:


Twitter: @mrogati

This was our list of Top 10 Machine Learning Experts. 

If there are any Machine Learning Experts that you like and we might have missed them, let us know in the comments section. 


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