Knowing the World of Real Data Scientists: Interviews, Videos and Podcasts

If you are getting into the groove of Data Science, you need to fully immerse yourself into the world of Data Science.

You need to keep up with the trends and developments in this space and consume content massively to stay on top of it.

To help you navigate through your choices, we are releasing little listicles of interviews, videos and podcasts that you should follow and keep in your content kitty.

Consider this post your one-stop video library for Data Science.

Let’s begin with our lists.


Tackling a Data Science interview can be daunting and unless you’re prepared for such interviews and know what to expect, facing interviews and landing Data Science jobs can be a challenging task. 

Whether you’re looking for external opportunities, higher salaries or growth within an organization, you will face a Data Science interview soon.

Here are some interview blogs and videos you refer as part of your preparation:

1. INSAID’s Data Science & AI Weekly

INSAID’s very own video series has many episodes to help you prepare for real-world Data Science episodes.

These videos offer an insight into what goes on beyond the closed doors of a Data Science interview room and will help you get an actual picture of what to expect.

2. TowardsDataScience

Towardsdatascience has an excellent repository of interview questions that can be asked in Data Science interviews.

Think of this as a workbook or a crash course filled with hundreds of data science interview questions broken down into categories for easier preparation.

The questions are based on:

  • Machine Learning Fundamentals
  • Statistics, Probability, and Mathematics
  • SQL Practice Problems
  • Miscellaneous

You can read the entire feature here.

3. Dezyre

Dezyre has another featured blog on the same topic to sample out questions for Data Science interviews.

The blog focuses only on the general topics like questions around data, probability,statistics and other data science concepts

This also includes a list of open ended questions that interviewers ask to get a feel of how often and how quickly you can think on your feet.

You can read the entire feature here.

4. Hackr

This 50 question guide of Data Science interviews offered by is comprehensive and all encompassing when it comes to Data Science interview questions.

The questions and answers here are not generic but technical and will help you articulate your responses well.

You can read it here.



As a Data Science aspirant, you need to follow real world Data Scientists and understand their experience and experiments with data.

What better way to know this than straight from the horses’ mouth?

Follow these Data Scientists and their activities to better yourself daily.

  1. Top 10 big ideas covered in the Probability course at Harvard by Joe Blitzstein. You can also watch on Youtube the lectures of this course.
  2. Brian Caffo is a well known lecturer of the Data Science specialization on Coursera and his YouTube channel is full of resources to learn statistics.
  3. This PyData talk is a good introduction to deep neural networks in general and to convolution networks in particular.
  4. Introduction to Recommender Systems is a 4-hour lecture of the 2014 Machine Learning Summer School at CMU. You can find other interesting machine learning lectures from the same summer school and other programs in Alex Smola’s YouTube channel
  5. Data Wrangling and Data Science introductory course by Harvard Video Archive & Course


Podcasts are a great way to immerse yourself in an industry, especially when it comes to data science. The field moves extremely quickly, and it can be difficult to keep up with all the new developments happening each week!

1. Data Lab

Patrick Callahan, Dan Larson & Joey Davidson lead the podcast on modern data science at the Data Lab. The mission is to derive value from data so you can expect interviews with many successful data scientists talking about their projects.

The podcasts discuss all trailblazing use cases and experiments. While episodes can last longer and get too technical, this podcast drives relevance in its content.

If you’re a patron of innovations in the field of data science, the Data lab (aptly named) should be on your list.


2. IBM Big data and analytics hub 

IBM’s big data and analytics hub brings its audience some major breakthroughs in the data science space.

Since it is powered by IBM, the conversation is both current and advanced. Industry experts discuss complex topics and keep up with the pace of the ever-changing data science landscape.

We will not suggest The Hub as a newbie, but you can follow their blogs to stay up to date with what’s hot in the data science and analytics space.


3. TAG Data Science & Analytics

TAG Data Science & Analytics has a broader base when it comes to content. The podcast aims at encouraging thought leadership in Big Data, Data science, machine learning, AI and other related fields.

The structure of the podcast is typical with expert guests discussing innovative advancements in the Big Data realm.

Hosted by Beverly Wright, Partner – Analytics at RelationalAI, the podcast is great in understanding how data science fits into a business context. The podcast hosts professionals who detail the working of a data science strategic unit and how data-driven practices are infused in the work culture.


4. DataFramed

DataFramed is the podcast channel of Datacamp.

Dataframed stands with its stimulating perspective on the role of a data scientist. The episodes position data scientist as a problem solver with each one focused on a particular problem. Through this engaging way of story-telling, the episodes explore different problems and how they can be solved by a data scientist.

This is the biggest takeaway from the podcast. If you’re doubtful as to how a data scientist can be helpful in a plethora of different situations, DataFramed is your answer!


5. Adversarial Learning

Adversarial Learning ends our formidable list. Co-hosted by Joel Grus and Andrew Bolster who have authored books on data science previously and are experts on the subject. Joel has previously written a book “Data science from scratch” which offers a simplified explanation of the complexities of data science.

So it comes as no surprise that the podcast is lucid and easy to follow.


6. INSAID’s Data Science & AI Weekly

Hosted by our Data Science Mentor and Coach, Manav, Data Science & AI Weekly focuses on questions asked by students everyday and solving them in a manner that can be understood and reproduced by students.

This podcast is for all Data Science newbies and enthusiasts who are looking to build up their knowledge base in this space, stay updated with trends and developments and find out all about the hottest jobs in this industry.


These were our inputs for your Data Science content space. Add these to your watchlist or reading list to get a head start over others.

Let us know how you feel in the comments section.


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