How AI Works: The Basics You Need to Know

How AI Works


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transcended its origins, making significant strides since IBM’s Deep Blue.

Today, AI is reshaping industries, and in this article, we’ll delve into what AI is and explore how it can optimize workflows, predict customer behavior, and elevate sales strategies.

What is AI?

AI, driven by sophisticated algorithms, computers, and robots, mimics human intelligence by processing real-time data. 

Unlike automation, AI goes beyond repetitive tasks, learning from data inputs, recognizing patterns, and making real-time decisions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can make quick decisions, just like humans do. It’s not the same as automation, though.

While both use real-time data, they work differently. Automation does a task repeatedly, even if there are errors, with manual input.

On the other hand, AI, which is gaining popularity across different industries, learns from data. It recognizes patterns and errors, adjusting how it works. Now, let’s see why using AI brings many benefits.

The Benefits of AI

There are many benefits to using AI in your workflow and processes. Here are just a few examples of its benefits.

1. Reduces Human Error 

Incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into workflows is like having a smart assistant that significantly reduces mistakes. Imagine you’re handling a ton of data, and there’s a risk of making errors. AI steps in like a vigilant assistant, using real-time information to predict outcomes accurately. This makes decision-making more precise, ultimately optimizing how businesses operate.

2. Research and Data Analysis

Think of AI as a high-speed researcher working tirelessly for your business. Traditional research and data analysis could take months, but AI transforms this into a quick and efficient process. This speed ensures that businesses get valuable insights rapidly, empowering them to make well-informed decisions in no time.

3. Makes Unbiased, Smart Decisions

Picture AI as a reliable guide ensuring fairness in decision-making. It operates objectively by using accurate data, removing any biases that could creep into human decisions. This objectivity ensures that outcomes are based solely on facts, free from any human preferences or prejudices.

4. Performs Repetitive Tasks

Consider AI as your smart helper for repetitive tasks. Instead of spending hours on routine jobs, AI takes care of them efficiently, freeing up valuable time for employees. This means they can focus on more complex and important tasks like building relationships with clients or boosting sales.

How AI Works


How Does AI Work?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a sophisticated and highly beneficial technology for businesses, and Accredian has seamlessly integrated it into their software to enhance existing workflows.

Within Accredian, AI plays a multifaceted role, delving into team performance analysis by monitoring sales calls and providing valuable insights to the team.

Additionally, it excels in content optimization and can even generate transcripts of recordings and calls.

But how does this complex yet crucial AI technology function?

In simple terms, AI operates by merging extensive datasets with intuitive processing algorithms. This manipulation of algorithms involves learning behavior patterns within the dataset.

It’s crucial to grasp that AI isn’t a singular algorithm; rather, it constitutes an entire machine learning system capable of problem-solving and suggesting outcomes.

Let’s break down the step-by-step process of how AI works, shedding light on its intricate yet powerful functionality.


The journey of Artificial Intelligence (AI) begins with input. Here, engineers gather the essential data required for AI to function effectively. This data isn’t confined to just text; it can include images or speech. Ensuring the algorithms can comprehend the inputted data is crucial. Clearly defining the context of the data and the desired outcomes sets the stage for the AI process.


Moving forward, the processing step is where the magic happens. AI takes the gathered data and decides how to interpret it. In this phase, AI utilizes pre-programmed data and leverages learned behaviors to identify similar patterns in real-time data. The specific AI technology employed guides the interpretation process.

Data Outcomes

Once the data has undergone processing, AI steps into the prediction phase. Here, the technology forecasts whether the data and its corresponding predictions are successful or deemed a failure. This critical step sets the stage for adjustments.


In the event of a failure, AI doesn’t give up. It learns from its mistakes and revisits the process with adjustments. This could involve tweaking algorithms or changing rules to align with the dataset. The outcomes may shift during this adjustment phase, aiming for a more desired and appropriate result.


The final step, assessment, marks the completion of AI’s assigned task. During this phase, the technology thoroughly analyzes the data, drawing inferences and making predictions. It also provides valuable feedback, refining the algorithms before they are run again.

In the realm of business, AI emerges as an invaluable tool. However, the key lies in selecting the right AI technology tailored to your business needs. This understanding ensures that AI becomes a strategic asset, enhancing operations and decision-making processes.

The Four Concepts of AI

As mentioned earlier, not every type of AI suits every business or process. There are four key concepts of AI to consider, each tailored to specific needs.

1. Reactive Machine

Reactive machines live up to their name, reacting to real-time data. However, they have limitations as they can’t store information or build a memory bank. Ideal for repetitive tasks with straightforward outcomes, consider using reactive machines for tasks like organizing client information or filtering spam.

2. Limited Memory

Unlike reactive machines, limited memory technologies can store and use information to learn new tasks. They require pre-programmed data to start and can analyze real-time data for predictions. This is a common technology in business, exemplified by chatbots that interact with customers based on pre-programmed data.

3. Theory of Mind 

Theory of mind technology is more advanced, capable of storing information and making observations based on real-time data. It can even respond to human emotions, though it’s not fully developed. Understanding human complexity, including individual thought patterns and past experiences, is a key feature. While not yet perfected, advancements are ongoing.

4. Self-Aware 

Self-aware technology takes understanding human emotions a step further. It processes, stores information, informs decision-making, and even comprehends human emotions and feelings. While still in the early stages of development, scientists are progressing in integrating human-like consciousness into AI.

Simplifying AI Implementation

Implementing AI doesn’t have to be overly complex to reap its benefits. It’s about using AI to tackle repetitive tasks that consume valuable employee time. Instead of intricate processes, focus on automating tasks that don’t require constant adjustments, freeing up time for employees to strengthen client relationships and drive sales.

In essence, understanding the concepts of AI and simplifying its integration into workflows allow businesses to harness its power effectively, making operations more efficient and enhancing overall productivity.

How AI Works

How to create Basic AI?

Implementing AI doesn’t have to be overly complex to reap its benefits. It’s about using AI to tackle repetitive tasks that consume valuable employee time.

Instead of intricate processes, focus on automating tasks that don’t require constant adjustments, freeing up time for employees to strengthen client relationships and drive sales.

In essence, understanding the concepts of AI and simplifying its integration into workflows allow businesses to harness its power effectively, making operations more efficient and enhancing overall productivity.

Let’s look at the basics of implementing AI in your workflow. 

Define the Problem 

Before delving into the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), businesses must first pinpoint time-consuming and repetitive workflows. This initial step guides readers in identifying processes that stand to benefit the most from the seamless integration of AI.

Define the Outcomes

For AI to work most effectively, it must be integrated into well-defined processes. This section underscores the significance of clearly outlining desired outcomes. By doing so, businesses ensure that AI becomes a catalyst for enhancing existing workflows in a targeted and purposeful manner.

Organize the Data Set

The success of any AI implementation hinges on the quality and organization of the data set. This section advocates for the use of a centralized system, such as HubSpot’s CRM. Utilizing such systems ensures that AI can interpret data accurately, laying the foundation for optimal performance.

Select the Right Technology 

Given the plethora of available AI algorithms, businesses are encouraged to engage in thorough research to select the technology that aligns with their specific needs. This section provides valuable insights to empower businesses in making informed choices when it comes to choosing the right AI technology.

Test, Simulate, and Solve

Before the full-scale deployment of AI, businesses should engage in rigorous testing and simulation phases. This iterative process is designed to identify and resolve any potential issues, guaranteeing a smooth integration of AI into existing workflows. This proactive approach minimizes disruptions and optimizes the benefits of AI implementation.

In essence, this step-by-step guide serves as a roadmap for businesses embarking on the journey of AI integration. By following these carefully defined stages, businesses can unlock the full potential of AI, streamlining processes, and fostering a more efficient and productive operational landscape.

Enhance your Business with AI

Unlocking the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for your business doesn’t have to be daunting. In fact, AI can be a game-changer, enhancing workflows, saving precious time, and providing more accurate predictions.

Start by collaborating with your team to brainstorm potential processes that could benefit from automation using AI software. Identify tasks that are repetitive and time-consuming, where AI can step in to streamline operations.

Next, explore the diverse landscape of AI technologies to find the one that aligns seamlessly with your business needs and empowers your team. Remember, using AI is not about complexity; it’s about finding the right fit for your unique requirements.

Embrace the future of business by initiating the integration of AI today. By taking these steps, you pave the way for improved efficiency, productivity, and a competitive edge in the ever-evolving business landscape.

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