How Aditya became a Senior Engineer Consultant, Data Science at Verizon I Accredian Success Story

Accredian Success Story - Aditya Gundu

In today’s Accredian success story, we introduce you to Aditya Gundu. He joined the GCDAI course at Accredian in 2019 and has completed the program with flying colours. He has successfully transitioned from a Software Engineer to a Data Science role as a Senior Engineer Consultant, in one of the leading telecom companies, Verizon. He has been associated with the company for more than 10 years.

Q1. Tell us about your current role and background.

My current role is of a Senior Engineer Consultant Data Science. My role in this field is to analyse the data and build the models so that we get more business benefits out of it.

I used to analyse the data that is coming in and decide how to create a model which can be either a classification model or a regression model or an anomaly detection, for testing.

All we need to identify is what is the data and what model we need it to play. My role is to majorly develop models.

Q2. Why did you switch to Data Science from Software Development?

Being a software developer for the last 10 years, I explored many tools like C, C++, Java, Python, etc. I thought why not explore and move toward Data Science.

We understand that the globe is going forward towards data, like we understand how important data is and the focus will be more on data going forward.

I thought of switching to a Data Science role and see how I can help myself as well as a company and mutually get benefitted through building strong models. That is what let me drive myself to move towards Data Science and development.

Q3. What challenges have you faced while transitioning to a Data Science role?

The challenges I faced with respect to model building initially was that it was very tough to understand, but the guidance what I got from Accredian really helped me a lot. The faculty used to help me out at each and every step about all my doubts.

They are always there to help me with whatever queries I have which really boosted my confidence levels in the Data Science role.

At the initial stage when I’m trying to learn Data Science on my own, I really struggled a lot, but with the proper guidance it was very easy to understand the topics around it.

Q4. Why Accredian? How did it help you? 

Initially, I started my journey towards Data Science by exploring it myself and it was a really confusing way to get started. I did not know what to get started with, what I should do first.

All these things, they became very hard for me to comprehend. Then I looked into different portals and found that Accredian is one of the leading teachers of Data Science topics including AI which is currently leading the market. 

I thought why not go with it and experiment with it myself. Then I joined Accredian and from there I transitioned from Software Development to a Data Science role.

The guidance that I got from Accredian is really fantastic. Starting with Suchit, Deepesh, Shubhodeep, all these people have really taught me very nicely and it was really easy to understand as the concepts were explained very well. I thought I was in the right direction, but now I completely agree with it.

Q5. What advice would you give to Data Science beginners?

One piece of advice I would like to give to Data Science beginners is that, if you want to start, the basic preparation has to be done in Python. Once you feel comfortable, then you need to go with Data Science packages like Panda, NumPy, etc.

If you’re comfortable exploring on your own then that is good as well. But, when you really need guidance, I would recommend Accredian, because we have excellent faculty here who teach us in and out and completely help you with their approach.

The structure of the course will definitely help you to achieve your goals toward Data Science. Thanks a lot Accredian for giving me an opportunity to share my story. Thanks a lot.

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