Rendezvous with Maneesh Bajaj from Bajaj Medtronics

In this Accredian Spotlight interview, we feature Maneesh Bajaj, a leading Director at Bajaj Medtronics Pvt Ltd. His insatiable passion for knowledge and upskilling led him to enroll in the Global Certification in Data Science program at Accredian.

Question 1: Which program & batch are you a part of at Accredian & tell us more about your current work profile?

Maneesh: I’m from the GCD, May 2020 cohort. I am at present heading the Marketing and New Business Development Department of my Organization, Bajaj  Medtronics Pvt. The company deals in Hospital supplies including disposable items, surgical items, and sterilization equipment. Our prestigious clients include Indraprastha, Apollo Hospitals, Batra Hospital & Medical Research Center, and Fortis Group of hospitals.

Question 2: What got you interested in Data Science & Machine Learning?

Maneesh: After having a richly diverse experience of 25 years I started my own venture, Bajaj Medtronics Pvt Ltd in April 2011.

During Pandemic, I started exploring Data Science as a career option and developed a love for Python Programming language, and started my Data Science journey by enrolling in the Global Certificate in Data Science (GCD) at Accredian in May 2020. 

Question 3: What tools and packages in Data Science & Machine Learning have you mastered at Accredian so far?

Maneesh: During my Data Science journey, I’ve learned Python, Tableau, and R, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn extensively while doing different projects at Accredian. I have learned team building and management skills while being involved in the group projects at Accredian. 

Question 4: What challenges did you face when you started your Data Science journey and how did you overcome it?

Maneesh: When I started my Data Science journey, the initial bottlenecks were coming to grip with the Python Programming Language. Gradually as I progressed in my learning trajectory of Data Science, I realized that Python is a very user-friendly language and can be used across different software platforms with great ease.

As I did different Data Science projects under the guidance of our eminent Faculty like Deepesh Wadhwani Sir, I developed confidence in Data Science in general and Python in particular.

Question 5: Who is your favorite faculty at Accredian and what did you learn from them?

Maneesh: All the professors with whom I learned Data Science and Machine Learning at Accredian, were exceptionally good in their respective subjects.

However, I would like to make a special mention about Suchit Majumdar Sir, who through his practical-oriented approach to Data Science, developed a great interest in the subject. 

Data Science can only be mastered by getting our hands dirty in doing different Data Science Projects and developing strong business logic.

Question 6: What is the goal of Data Science?

Maneesh: The main goal of Data Science is to convert unstructured data into meaningful Data after going through the initial stages of Data Cleaning, Exploratory Data Analysis, and finally building a Machine Learning model. The Machine learning model should be able to automate our daily, tedious tasks and help us to derive useful actionable Insights which should be useful to the end-user of the Data Science Project.

Question 7: How has Data Science evolved in the last few years and what current trends in Data Science are you most excited about?

Maneesh: Data  Science has been there for a long time in the industry. However, in recent times, it has taken a 360 Degree shift from manual tasks to  Business Automation.

With the evolution of Data  Science, over the years, the industry is moving towards Cloud Computing. With the help of Cloud Computing, people sitting in different parts of the world can coordinate and work on the same project and provide valuable actionable insights and without investing in costly infrastructure.

The most significant development in the field of Data Science has been in the field of Healthcare. With the use of Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing techniques, a doctor can easily visualize the different use cases of a wide variety of patients. This makes the task of a medical practitioner, very easy, as he can give his expert opinion about a large number of patients in a short period with increased precision and accuracy. 

Question 8: Which Data Science blogs do you follow?

Maneesh: Right from the beginning of my Data Science journey, I have been extensively reading the articles of Towards Data Science, Medium, Machine Learning Mastery, and KD Nuggets. There are some very exciting competitions on Kaggle also, which help in developing extensive knowledge about Data Science and different approaches involved in Machine Learning. 

Question 9: What advice would you give to a beginner in Data Science?

Maneesh: My sincere advice to people wanting to make a career in Data Science is that one should develop strong business logic and a problem-solving approach for handling different Data Science Projects. One should not be scared of learning different programming languages but should develop a strong foundation in Statistics and Data Structures. At the end of the day, the person should know how to re-use the same piece of code for different applications of Data Science.

Hope you enjoyed reading this interview. If you want to read more such interesting student stories, check out Accredian Spotlight.

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