How Santosh became Head of Digital Sales at Edelweiss I Accredian Success Story

Accredian Success Story - Santosh Dogra

In this episode of Accredian Success Stories, we feature Santosh Dogra, a part of Accredian GCDAI 2019 cohort. 

Santosh started his career as a ground salesperson and today is Head, Digital Revenue and XSell at Edelweiss Wealth Management. Santosh is an example of how Data Science finds its applications across varied industry verticals such as sales. 

In this interaction, Santosh shares his career journey, how he built a career in digital sales, and the role Data Science plays in the sales industry. 

Read his story here. 

Q1. Tell us about your current role and background. 

So, in my current role, I have had the responsibility of revenue generation through various financial products by setting up the processes as well as a team. I started my career as a ground salesperson and it has been very exciting for me to start up any processes or any new task or challenge. 

In my previous assignment, I had set up the digital acquisition team as well as a process for how the acquisition can happen, how the team will have the processor variance. I started with zero acquisition and took it to 20,000 a month acquisition piece and from a zero member to a 60 member team. 

Q2. You come from a sales background. Why did you choose to learn Data Science? 

Well, sales are all about numbers and reaching the desired numbers. So, you have to choose the numbers. 

It is quite visible that the future of sales is turning to digital sales.

So, I started focusing on acquiring knowledge on artificial intelligence, machine learning, product innovation, and digital culture in the last three years. So, I enrolled in a course at Accredian. 

Digital revolution is the biggest revolution that is going to change and which is changing right now. So, I believe Data Science is also a part of the digital revolution. Lots of innovation will keep coming in the existing process. This is one that will last for one or two decades. 

Q3. What role Data Science play in your current job?

In the digital world, data plays a significant role. It requires setting up the process for which you need to know the past analysis, how the current process works, and data to be put in monitoring and then improvising those systems. So this all requires data science. I hope it will play a bigger role in my current organization. 

Q4. Why Accredian? How did it help you? 

Though there are other courses as well, what I liked about Accredian was the vision that Suchit had shared and which I had. When a thought process is clear, the course will always reflect that and it did.  

I believe in the past years Accredian has made a brand name and it may have benefited 1000s of cohorts. It helped me a lot on strategic thinking,  perception of how a process should be looked into, how it can be applied, how it can be automated, and much more.  

Q5. What advice would you give to Data Science beginners?

In our typical mindset, whenever we learn something, it’s always for a better job and better money. But the true reality is it’s not the job, but what we do which makes us successful. It’s the passion and dedication which we put into it that makes us grow. We should learn and keep applying our knowledge and focus on how it can be improved. 

Everyone has to start from zero knowledge but this certification may give the advantage, to begin with, a level two, three, or five to a journey of 100. So what we need to do is love what we are doing and complain less. If you complain, this is no may not be the job for you. You have to keep on trying to do it in a better way. So that’s the key to success. Focus on what you are learning and apply the knowledge on a regular basis. 

We hope you found this success story interesting. 

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