30 Product Manager Interview Questions for Amazon

So, you are interviewing for a Product Manager role at Amazon. We are not surprised. It is one of the most in-demand jobs at the 1.6 trillion-dollar company. However, as lucrative as the role is, the competition is equally fierce.

Cracking an Amazon Product Manager interview is quite challenging. To take you a step closer to landing a PM role at Amazon, we are here today with an exclusive list of 30 Product Manager interview questions asked at Amazon. Along with these questions we also have some Amazon-approved interview preparation tips for you.

This list includes interview questions on product design, operations, launch, technical, guesstimate, and analytics.

Amazon Product Manager Interview Questions

Here are 30 must practice interview questions to crack a Product Manager role at Amazon.

Analytical Questions

  1. You are the Product Manager at Amazon Prime Video. You notice a metric dropped by 80%. What will you do?
  2. If your data team loses all the metrics. What would you do?
  3. Guesstimate the number of per day users at Amazon website
  4. How will you measure the success of Amazon Fresh?
  5. What metrics would you track to enhance customer experience at Amazon Pharmacy?
  6. Estimate the number of people using AWS per year.
  7. Guesstimate the market share of Amazon Prime
  8. How would you estimate the stock of a product Amazon needs to keep during the lockdown period?
  9. Estimate the number of reviews posted on Amazon per week?

Design Questions

  1. How would you enhance Amazon’s website?
  2. Design a new feature for Alexa.
  3. Design a feature to sell plants on Amazon?
  4. Design a feature to pay credit card bills using Amazon Pay
  5. Which is your favorite Amazon product? How would you improve it?
  6. How would you improve Amazon Kindle?
  7. How would you design Amazon Photos?
  8. Design Alexa for blind people.

Product Strategy Questions

  1. Define the roadmap of a feature for leveraging Amazon sales using Facebook.
  2. Amazon is experiencing a high rate of returns. As a Product Manager, how will you reduce it?
  3. If you were to change the pricing of Amazon Kindle, how would you go about it?
  4. How would you ensure the success of Amazon Pharmacy?
  5. Describe a strategy to increase Amazon’s revenue.
  6. As a Product Manager, how would you improve customer retention for Amazon?
  7. What should be the strategy for Alexa for the coming years?
  8. What should be Amazon’s strategy to enter the e-learning market?

Miscellaneous Questions

  1. How does AWS work?
  2. Compare Amazon Prime with Netflix. Which is better?
  3. How would you launch Amazon Pharmacy in a new city? 
  4. Launch Amazon Grocery
  5. How would you price Amazon Prime?

For more extensive preparation, you can also refer to our previous blogs on Facebook and Microsoft PM interview questions.

How to Answer Amazon Product Manager Interview Questions?


Contrary to the popular belief, Amazon likes to prepare its interviewees beforehand. Under its “Let’s prepare for your interview” section Amazon shares some key details about the company, its leadership principles, behavioral and technical interview tips, answer formats, and much more.

One of the Amazon-approved techniques to answer questions in Amazon interviews is the STAR method.

The STAR method would prove beneficial while answering design, analytical, and technical PM interview questions.

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result

  1. Situation: Describe or introduce the situation/task. This introduction should be brief yet informative. The interviewer should be able to understand the situation.
  2. Task: Describe your task/goal. This should not just include the question you were asked. But also, the mini-goals you need to achieve to complete your task successfully.
  3. Action: Once you have explained your situation and task, now explain your strategy and the steps you took to achieve the goal. You have to concisely communicate your contribution in accomplishing the task.
  4. Result: Conclude your answer by describing the result of the task. Describe the specific goals achieved, share numbers (if any), and also take credit for your specific contribution.

We hope you found this blog on Amazon PM interview questions useful. If you wish to build a career as a Product Manager, check out our top Product Management certification courses here.

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