16 Most Common Technical Product Management Interview Questions

Do you have a big Product Management interview coming up? Since you’re here we assume it’s a YES. Well first of all congratulations for landing a Product Management interview. To crack a Product Manager interview, it’s important to cover all bases. And technical questions are an important part of that !

As a part of our Product Management interview questions series, below are the 16 most commonly asked technical Product Manager interview questions to help you prepare and ace that interview. Before jumping into the list of questions, let’s try and understand why in the first place technical questions are asked in a Product Manager interview. 

Why Technical Questions for a Product Manager Role ?
As per latest Product Management trends, the demand for Product Managers with technical expertise is at an all time high. From top tech giants to high-flying startups all are looking for Product Managers with some technical background

During a Product Manager interview, recruiters look for the perfect candidate who can manage the technical aspects of a Product along with everything else. For instance, as a Product Manager you are not expected to sit and write code. However, with sound technical knowledge, a Product Manager can communicate well with the engineering teams resulting in a better product. Thus, through technical questions in a Product Management interview, hiring managers aim to gauge how a candidate will use his/her technical skills to address real work problems.


Top 16 Product Management Interview Questions
Here we have the list of most commonly asked 16 Product Management technical interview questions based on candidate experiences. 

Let’s dive right in

Technical Product Management Interview Questions

  1. What happens when you enter a URL in the browser ?
  2. Have you designed an engineering solution before ? Tell me about it. 
  3. How does Google Docs work ?
  4. What Product Management tools are you familiar with ? Which software you use and for which purpose?
  5. Are you familiar with the Scrum framework ?
  6. Write a program to check if the given year is a leap year
  7. How does Flipkart ensure quick load of their website with so many images?
  8. As a product manager how would you manage the product backlog ? What is the importance of product backlog ?
  9. Define a conflicting requirement and how you would rectify it ?
  10. Explain the difference between Scrum and Agile
  11. What do you understand by the term Sprint Zero ?
  12. Estimate the storage space needed to store all information from Google Maps
  13. Share with us a situation where you resolved a major technical breakdown in your product.
  14. How are Kanban and Scrum different from each other ?
  15. Suggest a new feature for Facebook. On what parameters would you measure its success?
  16. How do you measure velocity in agile?

We hope these technical Product Manager interview questions help you in cracking the interview. In addition to practicing these technical questions, you can follow Product Management leaders to get deeper insights into what recruiters look for in a Product Manager. 

If you are a beginner or an upskilling Product Manager, you must get a certification in Product Management to give your career the much needed boost. Reach out to us to get a free Product Management career profile analysis done by experts.

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