5 Key ways Global Certificate in Data Science is different

One of the things we strongly recommend students to do before they apply for the Global Certificate in Data Science is to know how the GCD program is different.

There are various aspects of GCD program that are amazing and in this article, we will cover 5 ways in which the Global Certificate in Data Science program is different.

  1. Global Outlook & Certification:  Global Certificate in Data Science goal is to groom Data leaders of tomorrow.  The GCD program does it through by bringing Machine Learning and Data Science experts from around the globe to interact with Accredian students.  This ensures that when a student graduates from the program not only is he/she skilled in skillsets required for Data Science & Machine Learning jobs but he has also developed the mindset and exposure required to become a Data leader of tomorrow.
  2. Rigorous curriculum: Curriculum of the Global Certification in Data Science is designed to make you a FullStack Data Scientist. It spans over 6 terms spread over 6 months and covers Data analysis, Machine Learning Foundation, Machine Learning Intermediate, Data Visualization, Machine Learning Advanced, Deep Learning Foundations & Data Analytics with R
  3. Project Based Learning: One of the core differentiation of the Global Certificate in Data Science is the project based learning architecture. Over a period of 6 months, a student udertakes  5 term projects & 2 capstone projects
  4. Live Lectures by leading Data Science academicians:  At Accredian, you get to attend lectures live from some of India’s top 20 Data Science academicians
  5. Launch exciting career in ML, Data Science with Accredian Career Center:  Launch an exciting career in Data Science & Machine Learning with Accredian Career Center’s resources, toolkits and workshops

We hope that you’re clear about key ways in which the Global Certificate in Data Science is different. Let us know in the comments section which part of the program do you like the most 

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