25 Most Popular Product Manager Analytics Interview Questions


The list of Product Management interview questions is long and taxing. To answer these questions and crack a PM interview you need extensive preparation. As a part of our Product Management interview questions series, we bring to you the 25 most commonly asked Product Manager analytics interview questions.

In our last blog post we discussed 16 most popular Product Manager design interview questions. Today, we have the list of most common Product Manager analytical questions. Before moving to the analytical questions for product manager interviews, let’s understand why these analytical questions are important. 

Product Manager Analytical Questions – Why ?

To become a Product Manager having a good understanding of analytics is a prerequisite. You will be expected to use analytics and metrics to make decisions, predict your product success, and perform other important tasks. 

The aim of analytical questions for product manager interviews is to test if a candidate can think like a product leader. Thus, answering product manager analytical questions correctly can make or break your chances of cracking a PM interview. 

25 Most Common Product Manager Analytics Interview Questions

With the help of below listed most common Product Manager analytical questions, you can practice and formulate your strategy to tackle these questions in the interview. So, let’s get started. 

Back to Basics 

In a Product manager interview, you can expect direct questions testing your knowledge on analytics and metrics. The best way to prepare for such questions is to brush up your concepts using Product Management books.

  1. What is the Northstar metric and how do you choose one ?
  2. Name 3 user engagement metrics you track as a Product Manager
  3. What is the fullform of DAU ? How do you track it ?
  4. Explain Net Promoter Score (NPS) metric ? How do you calculate it ?
  5. What are the benefits of tracking Feature Sentiment Ratings (FFI) metrics ?
  6. What metric do you use to prioritize tasks in your product roadmap ?
  7. Share an example where you improved a product metric. Explain the steps you took to improve it. 
  8. What do you understand about statistical significance ?
  9. What are retention management metrics ?

Checkout this tweet by product leader – Shreyas Doshi, explaining the different categories of product metrics

Measure, Track, Analyse 

In addition to the technical Product Management interview questions, interviewers often ask analytical questions to judge how a candidate would conduct product metric analysis. These questions test your basic knowledge on metrics and its applications. 

  1. How would you measure the success of reactions on Facebook?
  2. What would be your priorities as a Product Manager at Instagram Live?
  3. What metrics would you use to judge the performance of Google Photos ?
  4. Which is the most important metric for Quora and why ?
  5. As a PM of an ecommerce startup, what are some important metrics you would focus on ?
  6. How would you measure the success of Spotify ?
  7. If you were a Product Manager at a travel company, what metrics would you track to measure the company’s success ?
  8. On what metrics and analysis would you decide if the price of Spotify membership should be increased or decreased ?

Diagnose the Problem

One of the most popular types of questions asked in a Product Manager interview are diagnosing the problem questions. These questions are targeted towards testing the candidates quick thinking and problem solving skills

  1. Imagine you are a Product Manager at LinkedIn. What would you do if daily active users decline ?
  2. Facebook Ad revenue dropped by 14%. What metrics will you use to identify this ?
  3. As a Product Manager at Dominos, what goal would you set for their home delivery services? 
  4. You are a Product Manager at Uber. The cab arrival time has increased by 10%. How would you identify this issue ?
  5. What new feature would you launch to improve Facebook Live ? How would you measure success after launching this feature?
  6. How would you improve Google Photos ? What metrics would you use to track success/failure of the new feature ?
  7. You see a rise in the number of users unsubscribing your email list, how would you identify it ? What would you do to improve it ?
  8. The usage of LinkedIn stories feature has decreased by 20%. What steps would you take to improve it ?

We hope you find our blog on product manager analytics interview questions useful. Let us know in the comments below, if there are any other product manager analytical questions that should be in this list. 

In addition to preparing these analytical and technical questions, it is important to cover Product Management interview questions based on soft skills. You can check the list of such questions in our blog – Product Manager behavioural interview questions. If you are an aspiring Product Manager, kickstart your career with our Product Management certification courses.

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